Top ten most harmful books of the past 200 years

“The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin… the one book that spawned the ideas for books like Communist Manifesto and Mien Komf. Wait till you read the actual book for the REAL title to that book.

Have read it, and am waiting with bated breath…do please enlighten- and where can I get a copy of “Mien Komf”?


Marx was more influenced by Feuerbach, Hegel, and German Idealism. Perhaps also by scientific positivism. It’s been a while since I’ve read thought about those philosophers.

What I dislike about Darwin is his interpretation of biological change. We’re now stuck with evolutionary psychology, biology, and everything you can think of. It’ll be with us for at least another 1 or 2 hundred years and then we’ll say duh, we were such idiots.

Origin of Species - 1859
Communist Manifesto - 1848

Herbert Spencer’s books were bad because they invented the concept of 'scientific" racism - inspired by Darwin, but you can’t blame Darwin for what his followers misinterpreted. Jesus isn’t responsible for all the crap St. Augustine perverted in his name.