Hope to open one in Taipei soon…
smh.com.au/news/national/top … 78020.html
A topless car wash in Brisbane has been cleared for operation after authorities found no laws or water restrictions were being broken.
Strip club entrepreneur Warren Armstrong has set up Bubbles ‘n’ Babes at Albion in the city’s inner north.
The business offers a $55 car wash by a topless woman, and a $100 wash by a totally nude female attendant - which includes an X-rated show.
A police spokeswoman said today no complaints had been received.
She said the business was run in a closed shed out of the public view and there had been no indication of wilful exposure, which is a criminal offence.
Acting Premier Anna Bligh said her concerns regarding public decency had been quelled after advice from police.
The operation also was running on recycled water and therefore did not break current level five restrictions, she said.
“This is one of those extreme examples of people wanting to make a buck - I think it’ll have a pretty limited market,” Ms Bligh said.
She said the government fleet would not be using the car wash.
“I’m sure there’ll be a lot of people who’ve got strong views about this sort of thing and there’s always be a market for it but it seems to me a pretty weird and wacky way to get your car washed,” she said.
“I don’t think I’ll be feeling the need to have my car washed at this particular service.”
Mr Armstrong gave evidence at the Fitzgerald inquiry into police corruption almost 20 years ago and was jailed for nine months after pleading guilty to keeping a premises for prostitution.
He told the City News newspaper this week the latest operation was above board.
“I’m just trying to make an honest dollar - simple as that,” he said in a rare interview.
Brisbane professional car wash services are doing a roaring trade as residents face a ban on doing their own car washing under strict water restrictions.