Torn arm tendon

Ha, because the alternative to trying to hold onto the vine was letting go and potentially take a tumble down the mountain, as it was quite steep. Fortunately I managed to stick the landing :slight_smile:

And yeah, Iā€™ve had many experiences with doctors in Taiwan (unfortunately), some good and some pretty bad. For this the first three doctors didnā€™t even inspect closely to see if it was a possible tear, and I had to insist on the fourth to take a closer look as I was pretty sure it was torn. Iā€™ve definitely learned my lesson, need to really be an active participant, best to first do a bit of research and not be afraid to ask a few questions, even if they want to shoo you out of the room.


Thatā€™s seriously what happened? Pretty unique way to injure yourself, hope you knocked him out!

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Ayala. I thought I would find muscle guys or some other eye candy. Alas, it is really exercises with a rice bucket. I am disappointed. :disappointed:

I woke up before the fight was over. Dimmit!

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Just an update: I noticed the other wrist was a bit swollen. Got the young handsome doc to check it and yes, same results: swollen tendons.

Stop hauling heavy stuff, he says. I think he thinks I work in a farm and haul hay and wrestle pigs for a living.


Hmmm maybe now youā€™re overusing the other arm and as a consequence thereā€™s inflammation. Try to do some light exercise and very light stretching every day. Similar to when people wake up in the morning in the cartoons.

Did you tell him you wrestle cats for a living?

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