Touchy-Feely from HS -- Read at Your Own Risk

Dim the lights, turn down the stereo and clear your mind gentle readers, because for once in Hakkasonic’s miserable forumosa life, HS is going to get serious:

I used to hang out with this guy all the time. We worked together and on the weekends played golf, barbecued, listened to music, compared notes on significant others and griped about how hard it was to live in a foreign country. When the going got tough, we called on each other to get going. To say the least, we were close friends. Then we fell out over something completely stupid three years ago and stopped contacting each other. Now he’s dead – only 37, from a heart attack – and I’m writing a letter to his mom tonight to tell her what a great friend he was to me. I left out the part about what an idiot I was for not keeping in touch with her son. Yeah yeah, you’ve heard it 1000 times – be good to those that you care about while you can. This is number 1001.

Okay, turn up the lights and stereo now.


Sound advice.

Take it easy mate.


Sorry to hear this HS. A tough lesson learned for all of us. Thanks for sharing. Condolences, my friend.

HakkaSonic, nice post, way to say it. No touchy feely there, just good common sense, nothing to be ashamed about. it’s okay. you were buds, had fun, then u had a falling out, shit happens, life happens, then his ticket goes kaput. it’s life. we’re all gonna be goners sooner than we think. it’s good you had good times together (FORE!) and good you have good memories of him, and hey, 37 aint bad, think of it this way: he got to live 37 glorious years in this glorious universe called TOTAL LOVE PARADE and he had good friends, like you, along the way. It can’t ALL be perfect. Some friends fall apart, it happens. Just live the rest of your life as if every second matters. It does. THAT’s the thing to take with you. CAll me oldfashioned, call me a 28 year old asshole, but hey, i salute you for posting and being his friend…once upon a time.

HakkSony, one last word fore i got to oblivion for the night:

Mitch Albom, in a new book, author of “Tuesdays With Morrie” reworks “It’s a Wonderful Life” to include an Eddie inspired by his own uncle. Get out your handkerchiefs as this Eddie takes a Technicolor, special effects filled trip to the Great Beyond and realizes how different the world would have been without him.

Each Eddie is at death’s door as his best-selling inspirational story begins. In “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” Mr. Albom ticks off the last minutes of his character’s life. His Eddie works at an amusement park and will sacrifice his life to save a little girl on a runaway ride. Eddie’s journey after his demise is manipulatively but touchingly geared to readers seeking consolation in a post-9/11 world.

The prospect of having Eddie’s life flash before his eyes is not nearly dynamic enough for Mr. Albom. So: “A sudden wind lifted Eddie, and he spun like a pocket watch on the end of a chain. An explosion of smoke engulfed him, swallowing his body in a flume of colors. The sky seemed to pull in, until he could feel it touching his skin like a gathered blanket. Then it shot away and exploded into jade. Stars appeared, millions of stars, like salt sprinkled across the greenish firmament.” Though Eddie has reached heaven by now, it sounds more like he’s gone to the movies.

Nobody ever went broke by describing heaven’s amenities. A current book called “A Travel Guide to Heaven” is even crass enough to envision it as a five-star resort run by God and stocked with dead celebrities. (“How would you like to discuss literature with Jane Austen, or have Albert Einstein personally explain to you the workings of the universe?”) But Mr. Albom’s idea of spirituality is more sincere, give or take the odd picturesque parlor trick. Speaking of tricks, one of the five people of the title is a man whose skin is blue.

“Strangers are just family you have not yet come to know,” the Blue Man reveals to Eddie. (He also reveals that drinking a nightly dose of silver nitrate can effect one’s complexion.) And another incontrovertible pearl: “No life is a waste. The only time we waste is the time we spend thinking we are alone.”

“The Five People You Meet in Heaven” can be reduced to a string of such reassuring verities and a list of who Eddie’s five people turn out to be. (Handkerchief hint: one of them is his dead wife, young and beautiful again, with Judy Garland’s rendition of “You Made Me Love You” playing as background music.) But that would do an injustice to a book with the genuine power to stir and comfort its readers. Mr. Albom describes the point of this book as wishing to make people like “my uncle, and others like him ,people who felt unimportant here on earth ,realize, finally, how much they mattered and how much they were loved.”

Sorry to hear about your friend, Hakka. 37 is very young. I’m sure that, given some warning about his death, he wouldn’t have held a grudge against you. I tend to remember only the good things about old friends I’ve grown apart from.

I tend to remember only the good things about old friends I’ve grown apart from. sAID THOMAS

that is a very good point to remember. even when we forget. nice, tomas

My father to whom we–my brother, my sister, and I–haven’t spoken to in over eight years called my sister a week ago, asking to meet up. He’d called her assuming she’d be the most approachable.

Before agreeing to meet him, she called me. My advise was that she should see him and that no matter the enmity that we have had between us for far too long, we are still family and that rather than when it’s too late we should reconcile.

HK’s post is coincidental again in that when I started reading his post I thought I was the friend of whom he wrote, until of course he mentioned that his friend had died.

Perhaps, in the spirit of things, I should send Gavin, and others, reconciliatory greetings.

yes u should alleycat. i dont know any of these people u mention but yes you should life is



Sorry to hear about the loss of your friend. You’re really making me think about the value of people. I recently had a falling out with my brother that has seen him not wanting contact with any part of our family. It’s so sad, and after reading your post I wish things could be different.

I guess we need to place more value on those around us eh.

yes, bassman, but sometimes things fall apart. That’s life too.