Transfer elementary school

My kid goes to elementary school and is in grade five.

We will move house. This will put her address in the area of our preferred junior high school.

However, people have told us that since she didn’t go to the elementary school in that area (my daughter wants to stay in her current school for grade 6) , it is not guaranteed she will be able to go the junior high near our new address. I guess this is to stop people changing address just for a junior high.

While we would prefer that she goes to that school, we won’t make her transfer for grade six just for that.

if she doesn’t get in, what happens?

Do they put her in the next nearest in that area?


Does she get put in the one closest to our current address?

Our current address is NTPC and the new one is in Taipei.

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This is for the 110 school year, but not so different.


二十一、問:設籍於本市之外縣市(含國外)國小應屆畢業生,應如何辦理 入學?

(一) 外縣市(含國外)國小應屆畢業生與其父、母或法定監護人設籍本市, 且非寄居身分,並有居住事實者,應於110年7月2日至7月7日逕至「新生 分發入學作業平臺」完成「網路登記」。(無法登入平臺者持戶口名簿正 本、國小畢業證書逕至所屬學區國中辦理)
(二)外縣市(含國外)國小應屆畢業生與其父母或法定監護人共同設籍於額 滿國中學區,持有下列證明文件之一,並提供當年度一月一日至入學資 格審查日間任一月份之水費或電費收據或房屋稅繳稅證明等,足以證明 居住事實之文件及當年度七月份之戶籍謄本正本足以證明居住事實者, 請於110年7月2日至7月7日止提出申請,經戶籍地所屬學區國民中學查核 確有居住事實者,得以外加方式分發入學:
1、入學前一年12月31日前設籍於額滿國民中學學區內,學生之二親等內直 系血親或法定監護人於同日前持有同址坐落學區內房屋所有權狀證明(以登記日期為準)。

If she cannot be in that school, this.

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The next nearest is apparently even more competitive than the first one.

If you live in Taipei, will they definitely put you in a Taipei school?

The next nearest junior high is actually in NTPC.

So you plan to let her finish grade 6 at the old school? Good for you (and her).

Yes. Asking her to change would apparently guarantee the junior high but it would suck for her. Not a big deal because the areas are close.

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臺北市 111學年度7-9年級額滿暨改分發學校名單