Transfer scooter ownership - Owner not in Taiwan, Lost ARC card

Any advice or recommendations?

My scooter is still in Taiwan and is being used by my sister, however I am not in Taiwan anymore and I lost my ARC card (and no photo of ARC). The ARC extension is still valid until end May. The scooter is in my name, but I won’t return soon.

Is there any way for me to transfer the ownership of the scooter to my sister (she is in TW, has ARC). I really want her to take over the scooter legally.

Any advice would be appreciated.

FYI in Mandarin

(一)外籍人士離境後,其車輛過戶得由當事人填寫委託書(載明受委託人、委託之事項、車號等並親自簽名) ,經我國當地使(領)事館辦事處或商務代表處等外事機關(構)在其委託書上確認簽證,再由受委託人持個人身分證、委託書及車輛相關證件辦理。


If the link doesn’t work, you could search the form name.

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Thank you @tando ! I will forward to my sister so long to see if she can wangle a solution.
Think the fact that the ARC is lost, and I do not have any proof will make things a lot more difficult though.

Much appreciated!!

Couldn’t get back to TW. Couldn’t get replacement ARC, and it eventually expired.
Sent sister (who currently has the scooter) a Letter of Attorney, a Police Affidavit - All notarised and apostilled in RSA, authenticated by TLO in SA. No ARC, No photo of ARC. Only a copy of passport (with visa stamp). Sister took a shot, went to the DMV, explained, called the manager, etc. They transfered the ownership to her. No other questions or forms required.
Not sure if this is the official method, but it worked.


Thanks for the update. This info will come in handy for others in this situation. At least it wasn’t hopeless. Glad you got it sorted out.

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Excuse me. May I ask? I bought a scooter months ago but never transferred to my name because I left Taiwan. I bought it from a small one person motorcycle business something like that but when I went (I travelled around 5 hours from where I am to the place to buy).

The thing was it was a weekend so we couldn’t transfer and then the person wanted me to leave my arc and documents but I couldn’t do that because I had to travel back so it was very inconvenient but then the guy said that it didn’t matter I could transfer anytime so I left. But it hadn’t even been more than a week when I had to leave Taiwan for a program exchange and well I left and now that I’m back I want to make things right and transfer to my name but it seems I need the person’s arc and chop and those things but the main thing is I no longer have contact with the guy. It’s like they vanished from earth or something and I’m very scared because I don’t want to be doing something wrong here.

So if I’m not able to transfer to may name may I ask for suggestions on what to do in my case? Clearly it’s still under the company’s name but I can’t change it. What can I do? Any suggestions or recommendations