Trash: How to Seperate?

Hello everyone! I apologize, I know similar questions have been asked but I am still very confused about where to purchase and how to sort my recyclable and non-recyclable waste.

I hear there are specific colored bags for specific waste but unsure of where to get them and what goes into what. I also hear there is a dump truck that goes around most days playing music but have yet to see one in my area. (I live a block away from 师大 Mandarin Training Center.)

Would anyone be able to help explain this to me or be able to provide a link to a website that covers this?

Help appreciated!

In my area (Yilan) they don’t care about the color of the bags, they just want rubbish to be separated between trash and recycle. Also, the items that can be recycled change every day. Here in my area we can recycle plastic, glass and stuff like that on Monday, then paper, cardboard etc on Tuesday.

There should be a chart that explains how the procedure works in your area, the timing of the trucks is the same each day and if you miss the last one you have to wait until the following day. You could ask the Mandarin center to see if they can give you a “rubbish chart” (lol…I don’t know the official name of that thing).

When I lived in Taichung it was roughly the same, but the schedule was different.

There are three trucks. One is regular trash, recycle and food waste.

It does depend where you live. In Taipei City, buy the blue bags at 7-11. They keep them behind the counter. You can choose the size. I usually buy the 14kg ones. These are for non-recycle items.

The recycle truck will take the items even if they are separated, but they do appreciate it if you separate them. Almost everything is marked these days.

I have very little food waste so I don’t mess with separating out this. (Even though I probably should.)

As for schedule, i heard the truck and went there, and and then asked my neighbors about the schedule. usually M, Tue, Thurs, F, Sat, Sun. Could also ask at a local business near where you live.

I’m sure there is a better way to get this information.

In my community, they have a place to collect all the trash and they’ll get rid of it daily. Maybe you can find something similar where you live.
As for the food waste, I’ve heard that you can’t just throw everything that’s organic there.
Some places use the food waste to feed pork and they get really pissed if you throw stuffs that pork don’t eat, such as egg shells and banana peel. Other places use it as compost and accepts everything.
Now, how to know which one is in your area I have no idea. I only learned this rule when a lady got really mad at me after seeing a banana peel in my garbage. :banana:

To be very honest, the best is to ask a neighbor when you meet them in the hallway. You can get to know them as well as learn something new.

If that fails…here’s some info from the Daan District Office with regards to garbage services.

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So a friend helped me finally find some “Official Information”!

Sun & Wed
No Pickup

Mon & Fri
Flattenable Recyclables:

  1. Paper
  2. Old clothes
  3. Clean plastic bags

Tues 、Thurs & Sat
Cubic Recyclables:

  1. Clean Styrofoam
  2. General:
    (Cans, bottles, containers, small home appliances)

Still trying to figure out what times and what locations though!