Trip to US - what to bring back

am making a last-minute bus. trip to California.

Was wondering: What are some of the things you might get there that you couldn’t get here in Taiwan either because of Large Price Disparity, or Non-Availability? Obviously small-medium size items i could stick in a medium suitcase.

Me, I think I will bring back some english mags, Myoplex protein powder, some software.

If you’re taking a bus trip to California, I suggest you get some scuba gear.

guns and drugs?

Johann Wulff’s coffee
Roast chicory beverage
Yeast extract
Baked beans made with apple juice instead of sugar
Bicycle dynamo, bicycle mudflaps
A copy of The Roots of Lesbian & Gay Oppression by Bob McCubbin
A “what we have here is a total lack of respect for the law” t-shirt.
A dog door and/or cat flap
A nesting box for wild birds
Birdseed (for planting :wink: )

as many bottles of barbancourt rum as you can cram in

Condoms, lots and lots of condoms, because I am a Trojan Man!!

Clothes: jeans, shoes, shirts, underwears. I always have a hell of a time finding my size here.

Not that most people need them, but N-95 masks are popular presents these days. :?

Actually my friend just told me that in Austin, TX they are all sold out. Turns out all the local Asians are buying them up and sending to their families back here do to the shortage.

A couple of bottles of Sierra Nevada Bigfoot Barleywine-Style Ale. You can bring those back, put 'em in your fridge for 10 years, then open 'em up and enjoy a truly wonderful beer experience.

if I were you, I would ask for

  • Deodorant (old spice)
  • English Books because they are cheaper there @ B and N
  • cosmetic (toners, facial cream, make-ups…)
  • vitamins (they are expensive in TW)
  • personal clothes (like…V.S)
  • Anything that is made in USA… :wink:


good quality clothing.
cotton balls ( I can’t find any here)

Look in any hospital supply store, usually to be found close to all major hospitals.

Bringing stuff back from the US? GOOD hot sauces, BBQ sauces and marinades, as many different kinds as you can carry (and then give it all to me) :wink:

hmm thanks for the suggestions. pretty interesting. even the shitty humourous one (ie i would love to buy scuba gear if i could afford it)

so my list so far seems to be:

english mags (*read porn)/books
vitamins/EAS protein powder
english software
jeans (but then again, would i ever wear them in this weather)
guns and mushrooms (hmmm…actually i do plan on going to a firing range)
powerbook (hmmm)
good mustard/bbq sauce
good beer (sam adams/anchor steam/pyramid ale)
good wine (napa/sonoma variety)

question: what’s the limit on alcohol to bring back.

2 bottles of wine is your limite, and if you do bring back a box of it, then you will have to pay taxes.

  • MiakaW

[quote=“jackburton”]am making a last-minute bus. trip to California.

Was wondering: What are some of the things you might get there that you couldn’t get here in Taiwan [/quote]

The rule of law ?

Knob Creek Bourbon. Yummy.

taco bell

Real Tex-Mex!!

Shiner Bock in the keg

Law enforcement, driving rules, order

[quote=“jackburton”]good beer (sam adams/anchor steam/pyramid ale)
good wine (napa/sonoma variety)

question: what’s the limit on alcohol to bring back.[/quote]

Just to be precise, the limit is 1000 cc.

I always bring beer back with me and usually about 15 bottles of the stuff. I’ve never been checked… but if ever I was, I’d simply plead ignorance and pay the taxes.

Sometimes I think, even if Customs did check, they wouldn’t recognize any of the bottles in my suitcase as beer… and if they were to get suspicious, I’d explain to them that it was “barley pop”! That should be easy, especially if you bring back some of that Pyramid Apricot Ale… tell 'em its a fruit pop. :wink:

Note: The word “pop” where I come from refers to “soda”.

A dozen white cotton socks
Unless you like Camay Soap, a dozen bars of your favorite
Spices: Any that you like at home. Also, real vanilla and maple flavoring.
Anything written by your favorite authors. Very expensive here.
U.S. size condoms
Go get an international driver’s license. Wish I had and will next trip home. Absolutely worthless anywhere but here.