Trump Administration Makes Cuts to SNAP

Sorry, I thought you were being gracious. I await your double down at anytime.

This is positive ? I can’t even understand the point they are making here.

What programs if they are cutting them ?
School lunches is one they are cutting. Are the school’s going to pay for their lunches ,who then ?

In the end it may be just forcing the state to pay for it. If the kids are fortunate that is. It’s a pretty shitty way to treat kids though. It’s not my country but it looks like a lot of Americans agree this is kind of inhumane.

Nationwide, mounting lunch debt has become a growing problem, and districts said they are required to collect for unpaid meals under federal rules changed in 2017. In some districts, benefactors have wiped out the debt, including San Francisco 49er Richard Sherman, who paid $27,000 in unpaid lunch fees at schools in Washington and California.

Strange country in some ways , depending on benefactors for basic stuff.

It’s a big deal for those students.

@Brianjones, I seriously don’t know why you bother.

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I don’t see the problem of such benefits for people who need them temporary. If a person can save more than 3,500 in the bank, why continue to pay for their food stamps? Far as I can tell, a person can once again receive benefits if they were to fall behind the 3,5000 assets cut off.

Welfare should be to help those who are in need to get them off it for most cases outside of extraordinary circumstances. They are not a permanent crutch.

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A couple of viewpoints er…um…“bother” me in regards to what people think is occuring in regards to using SNAP.

  1. Food isn’t dirt cheap in the US. In fact, it’s been rising the last few months. And you (general sense) have to remember that this program has restrictions on what can/'t be purchased. Many people who use SNAP live in food dessert areas which means they have to go further for quality food. And in some cases, that’s just not feasible.

  2. It’s just not “lazy” folks, elderly and the disabled who use SNAP. US military families use it, Walmart (along with many min wage) workers use it, etc.

  3. My cursory understanding about the cuts and changes, is that someone receiving the benefit will have to work 80 hours a month to continue receiving it. (I have not check the requirements yet). This can be difficult in some cases. There

I think assets defined by the government extends to other than savings in bank. I have to check. But IJS for the moment.

I think they should re-route the trillions spent on war but keep the nukes.

Give everyone 5,000$ per month forever. Work should be optional.

If any country gets out of line, nuke them.

Who’s in?

Boo. Boo.

Booooo booooo down with @anon38216271 ‘s negativity

:-1: :-1:




Some people never worked a hard day’s work in their lives and they’re telling other people they should go hungry.


Just the idea that you have to work to survive, it’s very German isn’t it. American culture is heavily influenced by German protestant immigrants . Little known fact but working with Americans I’ve come to appreciate it’s true.

Work makes you free. That’s what they say.
Now they are off to dip into the trust fund.:laughing:

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Just telling it how it is man.:sunglasses:

Also kavalan I don’t think fast food is dirt cheap in the US. The US is just not a cheap place as Namahottie mentioned. You could survive on it for a while, but it’ll kill you eventually as well I guess. McDonalds still has some cheap stuff. But even a lot of homeless people don’t eat McDonalds, they get sick of it.

Working in the US can be expensive as well, mainly cos they often need a car to get to work. And if they have no fixed abode, no credit score, criminal record or addiction their chances of holding down a job are pretty slim to none !

And the school lunches thing, that’s just a disgrace in the world’s richest country.



Oh you’re on a roll.

Nope. Last McDonald’s breakfast I bought, cost over $8, that’s with a medium oversugared OJ. Without it’s about $6.

Here’s a snapshot of someone’s financial life, who’s not on SNAP but could be however trying to make ends meet.. And she’s not in a major city.

What you mean her folks didn’t buy her an Audi to drive to work in McDonalds? You mean she has to buy her own car ?
I’m shocked, I had no idea people lived like this . :grinning:

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I know! The audacity that she buys her own medicine as well.

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