Tucker Carlson and his feud with the NSA

A good start, keep going. Let me know when you get to the part where journalists aren’t so just because they have good ratings and are called that on their own wiki. (your standards, not mine) :sweat_smile:

Sorry, not joining the fan club.

Seems even the heartland is tired of his nonsense:

probably the only reliable (by which i mean, consistent) source for the hot antifa/lego takes that we keep hearing about

my personal opinion is that he’s trying to spin the NSA stuff into ratings; seems they probably recorded him in the course of his interactions with an actual target, but probably he isn’t involved in anything more shady than pushing fake news.

if he actually sees some pattern of targeted behaviour and his radar is telling him that there is some government plot against him, well, that’s a reason such people deserve to be ridiculed and treated as playthings -or institutionalized and given treatment- (TC, that is)

but i shouldn’t comment too much over on this thread, since i’m not following the story so much as the local banter. can’t say i have years of accumulated knowledge and experience in this niche area (TC, that is)…

I enjoy his show very much. :+1:t2:
Way better than CNN with perhaps the exception of Cuomo’ show which I enjoy too.

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I’m so sorry the fact that Tucker is a TV journalist triggers you. :disappointed_relieved:

Of course he is. That’s what TV journalists do. And of course the NSA is spying on him. They’re spying on all of us. That’s what the NSA does.


The left has him pegged as a raging racist, in the past I thought it was because he reported a lot on immigration and shifting demographics due to immigration which seemed a bit of a stretch.

Although recently they found some year book from when he was in college and apparently back then it was named after someone who was best known for carrying out some racial based killing (if I recall correctly) either way, i have no idea if he is a raging racist as the left claims, maybe he is, what do I know.

If there were a top 5 list of people to cancel, pretty sure he would make the lefts top 5 to cancel list, somewhere behind Donald Trump who is in top spot until they can find a way to destroy him completely or lose interest, I don’t think they will lose interest anytime soon though.

probably no more so than joy reid

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He was a member of some college society about a far right killer whose name I forget.

EDIT: Dan White. Not really far right.

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What’s Tucker up to? Promoting authoritarian states? :sweat_smile:

The “kind of thinking” that Carlson and Orbán were discussing in a fawning TV interview on Thursday was, in their words, about families, borders and the struggle of Christian democracy against leftist liberalism. But for critics of both men, it was nothing less than an authoritarian, ethno-nationalist blueprint for the United States itself.

Carlson, the most watched host on Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News, spent all week hosting his show from Budapest and promoting Hungary as a model for America’s future. His target audience was the Trump base that turned a blind eye to his four-year war on institutions that culminated in a deadly insurrection at the US Capitol.

Just as the US left has often pointed to Scandinavia as an example of social democracy delivering public benefits such as healthcare, it seems the far right now has its own lodestar in Europe – a democracy weakening incrementally but inexorably like a slow-boiling frog.

In 2018 Orbán described refugees as “Muslim invaders” as he defended his country’s refusal to take part in the EU’s resettlement programme. He also said: “We must defend Hungary as it is now. We must state that we do not want to be diverse … We do not want our own colour, traditions and national culture to be mixed with those of others.”

He has been an unabashed promoter of the far right idea of “replacement theory”, embracing ethnic purity over diversity and creating policies to encourage Hungarian families to have more children. (Carlson recently claimed that Democrats want to “replace the current electorate” with “more obedient voters from the Third World”.)

On Wednesday night’s show, Carlson told viewers that he had gone down to the Hungarian border and saw “order and clarity”, insisting that Orbán’s wall “works” and he found it “embarrassing to be an American”.

I guess he wants to invite his fans to go live in Hungary. Sounds like a plan of sorts!

I know politics is hard to understand, but Hungary is a parliamentary democracy.

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Since you’re so aware of these details already, noted that you think so. But for others wondering…

After 11 years in almost unchallenged power, he faces a fierce battle for re-election in eight months time, against an unusually united opposition, from left to right, which accuses him of hijacking Hungarian democracy and financially favouring his own coterie of oligarchs and loyalists.

Mr Orban also stands accused of using Pegasus spyware purchased from the Israeli company NSO to tap the phones and mine the personal data of up to 300 independent journalists, lawyers and businessmen not aligned with his Fidesz party.

And…Hungary is still a parliamentary democracy.

It’s interesting how you see it, it explains a lot actually. But perhaps this will enlighten you, even inspire you to look ahead in the curve:

And…Hungary is still a parliamentary democracy. I realize you’re using the looser definition of authoritarian as “any government whose policies I dislike,” but I’m still using the realityland definition. But please, don’t let me interrupt your propaganda effort.

Yes, we’ve established this is your reaction to things like:

Thanks for your contribution.

Yes, you think article posting is propaganda, also noted.

I’m talking about your use of the term “authoritarian state” in describing a parliamentary democracy. Let me know when Orban dissolves parliament and sends shock troops across the Tisza into Serbia.

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Some more homework for you:

Viktor Orbán’s government has deployed a new weapon in its war on the media in Hungary, according to forensic analysis of several mobile devices, using some of the world’s most invasive spyware against investigative journalists and the circle of one of the country’s last remaining independent media owners.

The Pegasus project, a collaborative investigation run by the French nonprofit journalism organisation Forbidden Stories, has reviewed leaked records that suggest a wide range of people in Hungary were selected as potential targets before a possible hacking attempt with the sophisticated Pegasus spyware, sold by the Israeli company NSO Group. In a number of cases, forensic analysis confirmed devices had been infected with Pegasus.

So you believe the U.S. is an authoritarian state? OK then.

Thanks. I like to help keep things reality based.

They left used to care about Governments spying on their citizens, the more progressive crowd only seem to care about things when they help them politically, other than that it’s hard to find what principles define the progressives.

I suspect the old school liberals still care, although they have been awfully quiet about it lately.


That’s all very general though, I’ve cited specific evidence that people in Hungary are political targets.

Is the argument that the US is also authoritarian? Well then milker is arguing that Hungary is too, while calling it a democracy. Not exactly adding up.