Two apps really needed in English

I do it in line mostly. It’s a quick step to grab the $100. I am cognisant of the total cost of the items I want to buy.

That’s already been opened after scanning. Very efficient.

Sometimes behind these phones, I can count exact change in line. Otherwise, my goto is a $100 or $500 for small purchases.

I love that!

Use the bills to slide into the coin compartment. Then slide the bills into the bill compartment. This sentence is twice as long to say.

Dude, I have a literal brain tumour that I have to contend with knocking out my own fine motor skills on one half of my body and Autism less severely impairing the other. I don’t have time to ‘pick at’ change. I slide the coins in and slide the bills in. Simple and done.

Who is counting coins? They look different, feel different and have different sizes. I know what I am picking without seeing.
Too many coins? They go into the mini pocket of my pants on the right.

Not only is it slower, but I gotta spend money to spend money and carry an extra device with batteries and tend to this thing and make sure I don’t lose it or smash the glass… no thank you.

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And that actually works? I’ve only tried this once, many years ago, back when cash was still a thing when I was a child. The coins missed the coin purse and landed on the floor.

I might have to revisit.

Yes… Would you like me to show you one day? I’ll buy the beer too :stuck_out_tongue:

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