Two oil tankers struck in suspected attacks in Gulf of Oman :facebook:


Proportionate response. Shoot down one of theirs.

I believe Iran has a very well funded drone program.

I think Iran hoped that the EU etc would go with them and appease them at all costs . The only allies like Russia and China, that may have helped them , are fighting their own battles and would prefer not to get too heavily involved .
Financially , Iran is really feeling the effects and it’s Leaders are realizing that the population may get pissed off with them and bring them down.
Plan B …create a situation where military action can be sold to their population as “retaliation”.
The fact that they have stated all along that they have no intention of being belligerent and used the, “we will build a Nuclear arsenal” line …to keep the peace, is indicative of their true intentions.
If they stopped funding so much terror and threatening Nations with extinction , they may find more sympathy.

Nobody wants war.

I wouldn’t buy stock in the Iranian Navy existing in another half year, but no war.

Depends what you consider a war.

This is a front in Cold War II, which is well underway.

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