Typhoon(Hurricane) winds kills 36+ in Hawaii

I have some family on a different island (they are fine), but on Maui 36+ dead from fires from the Huricane winds. One just pass here in Southern Taiwan and somewhat used to it but sometimes they be very deadly like in Hawaii (not a direct hit). A reminder to me to stay safe and power of nature.

yeah, the historic town of Lahaina gone in a blaze of fires

Yikes, we used to own a place in Kihei.

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Yes, sad. West side, the expensive side for the most part and full resorts


Yip, bought at a bargain in 2008, sold a decade later 4X original price and shouldn’t have----it’s really gone up even more!!! Love the area but unfortunately don’t get there very often. South of France—Arachon area has the culture too, as well as nice beaches. Prefer it to Maui.

Similar thing happened in Queens,NY during Hurricane Sandy in 2012. Huge area burned to the ground.

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Yes, and so sad to this 10+ years later. I do hope something is learned and in the future it can be prevented, sad to the high death toll

Simply awful. The death toll is now reportedly 96, and this number will almost certainly climb higher.
