Typhoons 2018

…And totally looking forward to the weekend. Tied all my boats to the ground hundred times over, hope my neighbours don’t call me about dinghies on their balcony…

Actually, the main island of Okinawa has dodged most of the worst of it this year. we have not had a bad one hit us full on yet. Ishigaki, well, sucks to be there. Again. But here on the main island. we’ll cop a full frontal this weekend, fo’shizzle.

Taiwan isn’t that bad. I’d rather be living and working in … say… Japan. But I missed that gravy boat by a decade or two. In another 10 years, Taiwan will be tapped out as well. Then it’ll all be Vietnam and rural Mainland China.

Your dereliction of duty merits a light spanking. Luckily for you (or unluckily, depending on which way you swing), I’m not into that kind of thing.

Hey! You told us you want to vote for the Republican party. Make up your mind!




Kink is nondenominational.

(snicker) He said “dinghie”(snicker)

I think a youtube weather channel might be in order

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I’d make 6 gorillions dollars within the first week, then Youtube would ban my channel for wrongthink and Paypal would block the account with all my money. Not worth the hassle.

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Are you not speaking the difficult tongue, honorable sahib?


Finally someone who knows how a pun works.

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One more time: can you send me links to job sites in Okinawa? Much appreciated.

Mmm, I could live by the beach in the ol country but I like access to conveniences such as bookstores, hospitals, running water and reliable power, as well as something called roads -asking for sidewalks is too much. Furthermore, the insect fauna is fond of me, but it is not reciprocal.

And they are about to engage in another civil war.

You mean tapped out for what exactly ? :slight_smile:
Taiwan money wise is a pale shadow of what it was less than two decades ago.
It’s pretty bad man, I’d hate to see it get worse.
In other ways it’s got better but making money is just urgghhh. And the working environment …Mostly urrggh.(compared to Japan still better but so is almost anywhere).
Millions of Taiwanese are still driving Kymco motor scooters I didn’t expect that at this stage…Living standards and environment wise hasnt really moved forward for a lot of people. Only saving grace for me from this moribund economy is the cheap rent and relatively low inflation.

Tapped out in terms of good jobs for expats. Which I guess it can be argued it almost is.

Vietnam would need to move now, not later.
China…I think is not welcoming to foreigners.

11 posts were split to a new topic: Constant negativity

It’s a slow motion typhoon sucking money away. I’ve just taken a 40k a month hit because some cunt realised it was possible to do so. That was my retirement plan.

Life is what happens in between making plans.