U.S Domestic Policies for the next 4 years


Gotcha. I definitely see that. One poster and suddenly Bush is the equal of Stalin, Hitler, Hussein and Kim. Quite right. Now, let’s get him busy rounding up the dissidents to have them gassed in concentration camps. Let’s open a few torture and rape rooms in the White House basement. Would you like to be first? You could be a martyr for the cause. How about it? hahaha

MFGR’s aunt has gout? Who would have thunk it?


Bush has joined the likes of Stalin, Hitler, Hussein and Jong-Il with this portrait.

prisonplanet.com/articles/no … leader.htm[/quote]
So, if you read the fine print at the bottom of the billboard, it says “Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. A political public service message brought to you by Clear Ch…” (probably Clear Channel Communications).

In other words, a private entity, using its own money to put up a billboard. During a political campaign. Some “personality cult”. :loco:

So, Cake, have you ever visited the Robert C. Byrd Memorial Veterans Administration Hospital, driven on the Robert C. Byrd Memorial Highway, or taken a dump in the Robert C. Byrd Memorial Bathroom?

I was wondering if some of the German-speakers on this forum could clarify what the term “Our Leader” on the Bush billboard would translate to…

I’m wondering what the Korean term for “Our Leader” is… anybody here who is reasonably fluent? It would be interesting to see what a translation of that billboard would be in Korean.

“Unser Anfuehrer” or “Unser Fuehrer” (ue = u with two dots on top)

Danke vielmals!

Funny, I made exactly the same point as Fred in pekingduck.org when they started making a commotion about it there. A sign of a “disturbing national trand” they said. I was like…HELLO! LIGHTEN UP! ONE poster by ONE group with an OPINION (and heaven forbid they should have one of those) in Tampa, FL. And there is not even anything objectionable in the poster. So what! So they see him as their leader. I suppose every time a Kerry ad came on TV…about every five minutes…it was a sign of a “disturbing national trand” that people were planning to elect a nitwit with plans so good and so secret that we never did find out what they were.

When stating that somebody is “our leader” in an election advertisement is supposed to be “enough”, it does bring to mind the sort of blind obedience expected in authoritarian regimes.

Why support Bush? Because he is “the leader”!

Should he be? Don’t ask that question! He’s “the leader”!

What about that decision to invade Iraq? He’s “the leader”, thus he’s “showing leadership”!

If we’re being the incumbent is enough to qualify for re-election, then I suppose the Clear Channel people wonder why we’re stupid enough to hold democratic elections.

[quote=“mofangongren”]When stating that somebody is “our leader” in an election advertisement is supposed to be “enough”, it does bring to mind the sort of blind obedience expected in authoritarian regimes.

Why support Bush? Because he is “the leader”!

Should he be? Don’t ask that question! He’s “the leader”!

What about that decision to invade Iraq? He’s “the leader”, thus he’s “showing leadership”! [/quote]
Why listen to Mofangongren? Because he is some anonymous twit on a message board!

Should he be? Don’t ask that question! He is some anonymous twit on a message board!

What about his opposition to the invasion of Iraq? He’s some anonymous twit on a message board, thus his opinions are worthy!

Well, at least we don’t have to put up with John Kerry Reporting For Duty any more!

MaPoSquid – Well, clearly I have you reading my posts avidly (if often incompletely) based solely upon the marketplace of ideas. I don’t ask that people listen to me based on any special qualifications or titles – rather, I merely float ideas into this forum and let them sink or swim on merit. No claims that anybody owes blind obedience to me…

As an American, it’s my right and (I feel) duty to participate in the American society. That includes demanding good government. Nobody gets my respect or intimidates me for simply being rich, famous, politically powerful, or having a good title in front of or after their name. I don’t care whether Bush is “our war president” or “our leader” or any other bogus title. You can call him “our johnjakobjingleheimerschmidt” and its all the same to me.

My lack of awe for such titles may match that of George Carlin:


You read the most interesting sites MFGR:

But for once I would love to hear how you would constructively improve upon things. Tell me how you would have dealth with and would deal with Iraq and the Middle East. Tell me what George Bush should be doing differently domestically. I mean please spare me the whining about George Bush spending too much. That is for us Republicans to bitch about not Democrats unless you want him to raise taxes? Is that what you are demanding? How should we deal with social security? pretend that the problem did not exist like Clinton and postpone making the tough decisions? Why didn’t he raise the retirement age or do something to put social security on a sounder footing when he was president. So for just once instead of all the immature and paranoid bitching, what would you do that is constructive? And how would supporting a rich, privileged Kerry have been any different? What would you do? That is why you all lost the last election. Bitching and moaning but talk about incoherent. Just what was Kerry going to do? Do you even know? Or was it all a secret? Are you in on it? Can you share with us now?

We will win in the Middle East despite all the whining and traitorous backstabbing from people like you. If you want to be a loyal opposition fine but when you do not even present an alternative and realistic plan then F*** you and the horse you rode in on. You are just bitching. You must have made a hell of a roommate in college. You did go didn’t you? Here’s an imagined Fred and MFGR roommate discussion?

MFGR: This room is too small for two people. I want a mansion in Beverly Hills. There is obviously corruption at the administration or I would have a pool and a chauffered limousine.

Fred Smith: Well, why don’t we look at how we can arrange this room to make it more comfortable and create more space.

MFGR: Fuck you. You are in with the administration to cheat me out of my rights. Talk about a fucked up system. Why is it that I don’t have a walk in closet, my own training room and my own study? It is all about oil. This administration is stealing my tuition to pay for their vacations to Greece and Italy.

Fred Smith: But I thought you said that you were on a free ride, that you were getting student loans and grants since you could not afford this college?

MFGR: Yeah, and that’s another thing. Fuck the government. I mean like I should have to go begging to get student loans and scholarships and grants?!!!

Fred: But they filled out the forms for you and gave you everything just based on your parent’s income. You didn’t have to do anything and it is kept confidential so no one would have known had you not told me yourself.

MFGR: But obviously there is a huge amount of discrimination going on in this school. Look at this room. Don’t tell me that some rich kid is living in the same type of room as I am!!! It’s all a conspiracy to cheat me and shame me.

Fred: Well actually, the son of the CEO of Pepsi Cola is just down the hall and he is sharing a room with two other people, one of whom is the son of a senator, the other the son of a big trial lawyer.

MFGR: See. That is just what I mean. The college is putting all the rich kids together to discriminate against me!!! They are all together so they have advantages networking and that will give them an advantage when they leave college and no one is giving me anything and where the f*** is my private room and private study!!!

Fred: But those three asked you to join your study group but you are always busy protesting at the lunch counter that you won’t pay 20 cents for extra large order of french fries. You started a group to protest how the government and the college are cheating you since you already pay your tuition and why the hell should you have to pay 20 cents more for french fries. You pay your taxes too you said and all this should be included.

MFGR: That’s not the point. If I had time like those rich three students and the money like they do, I would not have to protest 20 cents like I do. It is the system man. It is out to get me.

Fred: Well why don’t you just write down exactly what you want and we will see what we can get you. Let’s try to compromise.

MFGR: Fuck compromise. I have my rights. I have the right to a private room, a private study, free tuition, free food in the cafeteria and a walk in closet. I mean I am owed these things because I am the great and almighty MFGR. Fuck the college, fuck the deans, fuck the government, fuck the president. What the hell is wrong with this country? We need communism so that everyone is equal.

Fred: But we are all living in the same dorm with the same space and the same conditions as we are all paying for this ourselves. How is it that you feel you are being cheated or deprived?

MFGR: You rich snooty asshole bastard. You would have to rub it in that I am getting a scholarship because you want to cut me out of the group or to make me feel that my opinions do not count you arrogant bastard. Who are you to tell me what I can or cannot feel?

Fred: But I am just saying if we are going to work this out, we need to be realistic. We need to compromise.

MFGR: Fuck you. Compromise. Reality. It’s all about giving you what you want while you are looting me blind while consorting with your rich cronies down the hall and in the administration.

Fred: But if you aren’t actually paying anything, how is it that anyone is cheating you? And if we are all paying and we have the same living conditions that you do and you aren’t paying anything at all, isn’t that more unfair to us?

MFGR: Fuck you. You arrogant bastard. You are deliberately trying to change the subject so that no one can talk about the administration and its cronyism. What do you have to say about that? What about the administration cheating us and lying to us about how they cannot afford to give us our own private rooms and why do we have to pay at the cafeteria? Clearly this administration does not give a shit about its students’ welfare! Fuck them. Etc. etc. etc…


Man, I was just happy to get an off-campus apartment where I no longer had to walk down the hallway to get to a bathroom!

Apologies if this tidbit has already been posted on the Entertainment forum, but there’s a bit of a buzz in the amateur theater community that Fred and MFGR are planning to perform selected chapters from “Back to School with the Political Odd Couple” at this year’s Forumosa Holiday Talent Show. :bravo:

I usually don’t listen to these kinds of rumors, but I’ve heard it from several reliable sources. And you know what they say… Where there’s smoke, there’s usually fire.