Uber Attempts to acquire Delivery Hero's FoodPanda

Really hope this doesn’t get approved. Uber would own far too much market share.


I don’t know. I understand the concerns about monopolies, but I find UberEats a lot more efficient and user-friendly than FoodPanda. Plus, selfishly, I won’t have to open up a second app to find places or not have to collect separate points/promotions.

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I’m a bit worried that without competition, Uber will just jack up prices.


950 million USD / 23.57 million people in Taiwan = like $40 USD per person in Taiwan for this acquisition.

Seems like a lot?

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And they might squeeze the restaurants even more. From my understanding, it’s not only the service charge and delivery fee they’re charging, but also a commission from the restaurants.

No reason for them to have any promotions once they have a monopoly…


Just got notified about this. If this goes through, say hello to further enshittification in the food delivery sector.



Now we just need to Uni-President to step up and buy both.

Aren’t the 2020s awesome. :neutral_face:



Never use it anyway. Besides quarintine hotel. That was amazing. Since i’ve had the freedom to walk outside and walk the 5 mins it takes to reach a restaurant i can’t say i’ve ever needed it.


I’ve never understood the love of food delivery in a place like Taiwan where good food and drink is a minutes walk away at best. It’s really just extreme laziness.

People in my building were ordering McDonalds delivery and the scooter delivery guy literally took a 5 second ride to bring them food I mean GD that’s lazy


I can see doing this in the summer where walking 100 meters feels like a grind, but seeing that many Taiwanese seems unbothered by the hot weather most the year, I don’t think this is the reason.

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For me, my situation is like:

If I’m working and I’m lazy but want to have something I find delicious, I will probably have to have it delivered.


now you understand. This is your answer lol. Laziness is seen as some kind of virtue here for some reason.


I guess only recently. In the japanese days people routinely toiled in the field for 16 hours a day.

I’m not sure where it comes from. But its a real thing. There is a disdain for walking. Especially from girls. You can see young people using the elevator in MRT stations with zero shame (they are supposed to be used for people with prams, elderly and the like), and very few people use the walking side of the escalators.


Wondering what’s going to happen to places where there isn’t UberEats? Kinmen only has FoodPanda, for example.

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Well, I can’t blame some of it. Taiwan is fucking and miserably hot most of the time, where you can’t make it 100 meters without looking like you ran a marathon. Not to mention unlike say Texas where almost every indoor space is strongly air conditioned, it isn’t so in Taiwan. So many public places have the ac set so low they might as well not turn it on.

But I wouldn’t order from Uber eats if I can walk a few minutes.

By the way people with prams are supposed to use elevators but they often don’t, because there’s a huge line for elevators, so they use escalators.

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No, but taiwanese society is craving more “convenience” than most other countries. I would assume this type of cash for waste business style does amazing here! Taiwan is literally setup and evolved for such industries unfortunately.

Easiest way to avoid a monopoly and price hikes is to support the small businesses doing nearly all the work, not the middlemen. Outside of the gouge on the restaraunts, I also quite despise the hygiene [lack of] standards and the driving safety [lack of] standards of food delivery companies. It’s beyond easy to not support them :banana:


I suppose they’ll have UberEATS now🙃

The couriers will all be forced to choke on the metaphorical schlong of Uber and buy the new bags. Those aren’t free with the job, in case anyone didn’t know😅

Many reasons not to use it. It can be hard at times, especially when I am lazy and the place is more than 15-20 min away and I don’t want to get all my motorcycle gear on, but I try my best not to use it.

Is there a local competitor? Taiwan never lets a foreign company have the golden goose.

People here hide lazyness under the name of convenience quite often. Every morning to work I would often see that one person that waits 10 minutes for the busy elevator to come just so he can go to the second floor which would take him 30 seconds to climb stairs

Although part of me thinks it’s also because people here zone out often and they wouldn’t even notice they are waiting too much for something. Zoning out is also a big part of culture here.