UK raising the minimum earning threshold for spousal visa

When governments start valuing citizens by how much they earn, creating different classes of citizens, that’s a big problem.


I agree. However, the UK could adopt the East Asian immigration model of only taking in immigrants who can pay their way.

70% of UK citizens earn less than 38K Sterling?

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70% of working age adults.


It’s a massive shitter. My wife and I were considering going home in a year or two but that’s not going to happen now. The thing is that I could scrape together the £62,500 if I needed to, but it’s not just sat in a bank account for 6 months as per the rules because I’m not an idiot and I invest my money. Even if I were to move it now, we have to wait until we can use it to apply, by which time the new rules will be in place and there’s no way I can get £112,750 together. I guess our future plans are fucked. I don’t see much respite even if Labour get in mind, Kier Starmer has been jumping on the “too many immigrants” bandwagon recently too. What a bunch of cunts.


The goal is basically stop all immigration, full stop. This rule is just one of the steps.

Basically if you want family unity, marry a UK Citizen or don’t live in the UK.

Brexit happened because any EU citizen could just go move to the UK, and they didn’t want that.

Since Brexit the UK has become increasingly isolated. Previous UK suppliers that would ship outside of the UK stopped doing it, citing “Brexit”.

Seriously the West has lost their collective mind.

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Not even that is easy. If I wanted to take my wife to the UK, I’d need to go to the UK on my own first, find a job paying over 38k a year, work it for 6 months, then apply and wait at least a couple months. By the time she’d have visa in hand, I’d probably have already been in the UK close to a year. She could enter the UK as a visitor during that time, but only for 6 months, and she’d need to leave to make the application anyway.

EDIT: I misunderstood what you mean. You meant that I should have married a UK citizen. Yes, you are right.


I remember way back like 6 or 7 years ago after they brought in the minimum earnings threshold I was married to a Taiwanese woman, and was trying to bring her to the UK.

I read a story about a British guy who was married to a woman in the Middle East, and he had kids with her. His application for her was denied and he was told he could just fly over and see her, like it was no big deal that they lived in different countries.

I mean are phony marriages to get people into the UK that much of a problem? Also, I fail to see how this will reduce immigration by an appreciable amount.

It just means if you’re British, living abroad and you marry someone from that country, you’re effectively exiled from the UK.


You aren’t exiled if you are wealthy. This is just for Joe Blogs.


It’s basically nationalism. They don’t want you to marry foreigners. Why would a good Brit want to marry savages from Africa or the East?

It’s seriously messed up and it should go against some constitution of some kind. You can’t just deny a spouse’s right to be with their spouse just because they happen to be a foreigner?

I know the UK misses the glory days of the British empire but what they are doing is turning it into North Korea.

lolz sure…

The TV adverts say other wise. 50% or more of the people on them are black.


What a load of bollocks.

Student visa holders cannot live in Australia permanently and do not have a pathway to permanent residency. Cutting student visas would not affect permanent migration by itself.

The pathway is getting employed in an industry that is struggling to fill positions which having the right education may help with.

This is because Australia expects visas to be fit for purpose. They have made it harder to get student visas because many student visas did not really want to study, they studied rubbish cheap degrees that gave them part time work rights.

But you know what Australia did? Increased working holiday visas to up to 3 years. So made the visa system more fit for purpose

Why is there a minimum income for partner visa applications?

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To prove that you can support yourself and your spouse without needing to claim support from the state.

It’s intended to combat economic migration. That is, people who move to the uk just to claim state benefits.

At least make it so it’s just enough to not need state support, not be freaking top 30 percent of income earners.


Or make them ineligible for state support?

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Trouble is bleeding hearts will say that all these poor spouse who is dying because they can’t afford life… Hence the requirement.

Nah. That’s silly.

Maybe Taiwan should start accepted boatloads of refugees, take some of the weight off of the western nations?

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It isn’t, you keep using that word incorrectly. Nativism, maybe.

It’s going to be a drop in the ocean in terms of reducing net migration. Stopping the boats is similar.

UK employers need employees. Pre Brexit it was easy to get them from EU countries. Now it’s easier to get them from other countries. The vast majority of migrants are entering the UK completely legally.

Political theatre by a desperate government.