Ukraine Invaded by the Russians - April to August 2022

I am in favour of nuking Russia and China. There. I said it.

OK, everyone is entitled to their opinion. We can agree to disagree on that one.

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It would be a quick solution to the global population problem. Possibly the entire population with the aftereffects.


Actually, the guy in this video is gonna be all of us:

I can’t watch the video right now, but my belief is there would be small pockets of people surviving on cannibalism and suchlike.

I didn’t say it was rational or plausible. I am in favour as long as the damage is contained within their borders.

It’s 5 seconds of Beatles’ song Here Comes the Sun for Japanese guy drinking coffee on August 6.
But, yeah, it’ll be the Donner Party all over on a grand scale.

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This will be all the Instagrammers and Influencers trying to do selfies with the mushroom clouds.



Being in favour of something irrational and implausible seems a bit silly.


That can be done with a first strike on China, with Russia a little more tricky due to their delivery systems and subs. :wink:

Time to kick Russia out of the UN, Security Council. How can you fucking veto something you are doing yourself?



Unfortunately, I think by law, it needs a unanimous vote.

Stupid, I know. Maybe they scrap them and make a new one, excluding crackpot regimes like Russia, China etc

How did they handle the switch from USSR to Russia in the UN security counicil?

You and Vladimir Putin:

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Article 8
War Crimes

Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict, within the established framework of international law, namely, any of the following acts:

  1. Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities;

I’m not sure I get it. Maybe Forumosa didn’t go about it properly? Used the wrong language or something? Didn’t devote enough words to it?

Edited to add:

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That’s a shitty comparison.

That’s tempting, not sure how fair or smart though.

Holy shit the woke dude and his blank statements…

I like how for some to be progressive is not necessarily related to being understanding and thoughtful.

And nobody who has read me in this thread can label me as pro Russian or anything remotely related.

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Many didn’t. Thanks God.

I say that in the next sentence, I also pointed out the Russians are far less at liberty to protest the Russian governments war in Ukraine.

Leave the unwashed masses out of it, they don’t decide these things and most of them are following what they get told on the news.

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