Ukraine Invasion: General Discussion, November-December 2022

No. You specifically cited cake’s post, and then mine, trying to create some narrative of your own. As if they were somehow linked. That it was some conspiracy!

I hadn’t even read that post of cake’s where he mentioned wiki swamp. I’m not following this thread much. I don’t side with cake on it all, nor anyone else here, really.

It seems you’re reading far too much into things. But, I know people take the Ukraine vs Russia thing super seriously, so I guess how you react is understandable.

Carry on :+1:

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Funny, I think maybe you’re not reading enough. Here let me try again:

You write, in answer to his question, so it reminds me of this

But when i went looking for that quote, i saw the other one that i shared first (swamp). Having a good memory is helpful, and yes I do see and post in layers. Not a stretch or a conspiracy here, though

So, as i said

Yes. Very well explained. Excellent.

I just needed to also see those “layers” you apply when you post and that you “see.” Makes sense now that you explained it really well. As I said, carry on. You doin’ good! :+1:

Next time I’ll draw you a picture :wink:

Even better! :art:

Me so stoopid. Pics, I ken.

This whole thread should be done that way.

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The battle of Hostomel

We know where you stand, which is to be respected. It is preferable to posters hiding behind peace. You’ve got a pair on you, at least.

only 30 for Russia post ww2, not bad for a country with the GDP less than that of some US states. Quite ambitious.

I do have a news flash for you, if you consider the US and west evil then you might be surprised to find out that RUSSIA is just as bad if not worse. Here is the kicker though, I’m able to go on forums, reddit, and walk outside with a giant FUCK Joe Biden t-shirt on at anytime without getting arrested. You seem pretty pro-russia for somebody very out spoken on authority. They literally kidnap people on the street, put a bag over their head, and send them to the front line for saying anything against the regime. It’s nice being being able to have an opinion isn’t it? even if it’s absurd. So pick your world.

as for your idea of sending CHINESE investigators to investigate Ukraine war crimes, I also have a news flash for you, they are still under lockdown and won’t be leaving their house because they have been welded into their houses. Nice to have freedom isn’t it?

This is something that really baffles me about you pro-russia types.

p.s. this isn’t a personal attack of any sort, this is a question that I Can’t find the answer to, and am asking mr cake the logic behind it.

Russia isn’t shoving it’s “morals” down the throats of countries it wants to do business with. That’s why the majority of the world (not the white people) are ready to tell the US to F Off.

America has been too powerful for a while, but it’s starting to stumble, unfortunately, judging by the countless of attrocities they orchestrated while at the top, I doubt America won’t decide to go out with a final hurrah. And that might end up the destruction of Taiwan, if not outright nuclear war.

I want peace. I come from Ukraine and know people there that is desperate to leave, but can’t because of the Nazi regime.

This war would have been over a long time ago and everyone could have moved on with their life. Remember the initial goals were only the independence of the Donbass, recognition of Crimea, which by the way is full of Russian Russian people. I don’t even consider them Ukrainian.

No NATO etc. Look how far it’s gone now.

Russia didn’t touch the infrastructure of Ukraine in the beginning because the goal was to scare them into a deal, but America is gonna do American things, and not enough non Americans had died apparently and here we are.

The Russians are white, Philippinos not so much. Holding opinions fervently doesn’t make them rational.


I’m only talking about the perception the fakestream, propaganda media tries to put out to show that the world is buying into the Ukraine / Russia BS, and is in support of it.

If you just go by people, the majority of the world knows what’s going on.

The majority of the people in the West are brainwashed, and still think there is a democracy or freedom where they live, and that the media isn’t completely controlled and used to manipulate their point of view

The world is still largely reliant and tempted by dollar signs in their eyes, that’s partly why Ukrainians were duped to sell their country out, tempted by the supposed wealth being in the EU will provide, but as the world shifts more and more, and the “carrot” America waves slowly runs out, and their regime changing NGOs start getting less funding, I think America wills tart using the stick more and more.

Not that they ever stopped invading and murdering people in other countries, but you will see things escalating more and more, as they lose their grip on control.

did I say you are a russian bot? I said you make no sense. You love to have your own opinion but somehow claim russia is justice yet they are the exact opposite of that. I’m trying to get to the bottom of your rational and all I get back is pictures of a robot.

p.s. you’re not a russian bot, you’re something else, but it sure ain’t a bot.

Interesting forecast—away from Western or Eastern propaganda
What I Expect In Ukraine | Musings from the Chiefio (

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Read first few paragraphs, it’s 100% Russian propaganda.


Not so sure about that — been reading him for decades — he has no specific interest in Russia. Libertarian yank. Sharp as a tack.
About | Musings from the Chiefio (

cake, is the Earth flat or round? Answer this question…