Unable to track APRC application status online

My APRC application receipt contains a QR code that links to the following status tracking website:


The site asks for your birthday and EITHER your application receipt number OR current ARC ID number. However, trying both methods results in error “系統中沒有您的申請紀錄” (“There is no record of your application in the system”).

Is anyone having the same problem? Or have they really not started processing my application (it’s been 2 weeks)?

I just tried it. It’s broken. Mine is approved already. I’m just waiting for the call to come in and pick it up.

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Thanks for confirming.

That’s disappointing. There are foreigners on Facebook that have successfully used it in the past.

How do you know?

Replying to myself - I got it working.

The receive (receipt) number format has the year appended to the front, then 8 unique characters, then 0. So this year it looks like 113xxxxxxxx0.

In the form’s “Receive no.” line, put the year in the first box, and the 8 unique xxx characters in the second box. Ignore the final 0.

The ID option still doesn’t work for me. Maybe it doesn’t accept the new ARC ID format?


Lmao. Taiwan 2024

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I called immigration and asked. Some offices will give you information over the phone some won’t.

Also, it was double-confirmed when I went to NHI office to update some stuff and they told me my current ARC was canceled.

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My gosh!! Exactly what @meishijia wrote.

Btw, they told me 30 days which seems to be their (care to guess?) XXX. (Hint: It starts with a ‘S’. :laughing:

I have three more days left. But since I know it was approved, I’m not anxious anymore.

You just leave that box blank and enter the “Receive No.”, date of birth, and captcha.

I think everyone who applies for an APRC goes through this stupid process. I have a couple of friends who couldn’t get it to work, they later told me the correct process when I couldn’t get it to work, someone PM’d me on here asking how I’d gotten it to work, and I’ve seen multiple questions on Facebook about it. :man_facepalming:

It’s pretty ridiculous, yeah. I’m not sure why they include the ID number box on the form. I read somewhere that it’s just for Taiwanese ID numbers, but I’m not sure what someone with a Taiwanese ID number would be using that form for - maybe it’s used for other stuff besides APRC applications?

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