Uncle's Inheritance in Taiwan - intestate

Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on a situation I have.

My uncle (Dad’s oldest Brother) is estranged with the us. But as he is the oldest son he has taken the lions share of my grandparents inheritance when they passed a few years back. My grandparents assets were mostly composed of funds my fathers monthly contribution to them over the last 15 years.

After my grandparent’s death my dad and my uncle has a major fight (likely about the inheritance) and don’t speak to each other anymore. But my uncle still talked to my Aunt and her kids ( They are in US and don’t come back to Taiwan).

Now my Uncle is pretty ill (and my Dad and my Aunt passed away last year). There’s only my Uncle, my younger cousin and myself. He does not have a will.

As my cousin is not in Taiwan - if i cant reach my cousin, I am wondering does some form of substitution of service apply for inheritance law. As my dad and my aunt both passed. Can I just post something in Taiwan and after X days that would count as a substitution of service etc? (as they don’t have residency) what happens to the portions?

Thanks in advance -
Obviously nothing here will be take as legal advice but I’m just wondering if anyone out there had a similar situation

Does your uncle have living spouse/children, /grand children, parents, siblings, or grand parents ? As his nephew/niece, you have no legal claim to his estate unless he wills it to you. If he has no heirs, then his estate goes to the state.

No, uncle has no kids and no “lineal descendants”

Is that how it works in Taiwan only? I thought it just goes to next of kin etc

I read this before posting. Didnt catch that there is no fifth tier and it just goes to estate…