Undiluted or full strength vinegar?

Not found anywhere that has the 40% stuff.
I’ve been led on wild goose chases a couple of times and after 1 hour of searching, I gave up. If anyone can post a google maps pin of a place that sells it, it would be much appreciated.

The 40% stuff, 醋精, is not vinegar but the same with diluted acetic acid, I think.

I don’t think you need the 40% stuff if you are using it for leather. Online says one part regular white vinegar (4-7%?) and one part water. A place like Carrefour will likely have that.

You need one of those stores that sells everything under the sun and then some

I went to a few. Nothing. Oneperson drew out a map of a place that should sell it. It was a place selling motor oil.

That’s too bad. Just out of curiosity, I’ll look at the one near me and post back.

As someone else mentioned, DE probably has it.
Their online store mostly focuses on cosmetics, but their physical store has cosmetics and chemicals. There are a few other chemical stores in that area too.

Chemical Store (2F)
Mon-Sat 8:30-18:00
Tel: 02-2559-9699
No.43, Tianshui Rd., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103

Sheng Li General Merchandise
No. 21, Shuangcheng Street, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, 10491
02 2591 7452

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As has been mentioned a couple times, be careful with this stuff. It can cause permanent eye damage, even turn your cornea opaque.

This 40% food grade stuff?

I think the label says 45+

Seems to be labeled as such and whenever I’ve found it, it was on the rack with the other vinegars, soy sauces, etc.

On closer inspection, there’s a small warning on the side - “注意!料理專用 不可直飲”

18 Bao’an Street

This is where I buy my white vinegar. 100 NTD.

IIRC I had quite strong (though I dunno how strong) acetic acid prescribed to treat warts a looooong time ago.

Fumes hurt the nose so I imagine an accident could quite easily have blinded me.

I’d hope they don’t prescribe that any more, especially not to children.

I wouldn’t consider it against mould. Wouldn’t use napalm, a fuel-air bomb, or a tactical nuclear weapon either,

Peroxide or bleach. With safety goggles

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Would imagine that 45%+ would need to be heavily diluted or used in tiny quantities for anything intended to be edible.

Now THAT’s what I call Post-Alcohol

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I guess it’s intended for restaurants etc. making food in large quantities?

Where do you find the regular white vinegar that’s like 6% acidity?