Unique benefits of apartments in Taiwan

Your nails are lovely. I always assumed you were a bloke. Not thay blokes can’t paint their nails…

Also, carpet in the kitchen. Gack. With an oven, I guess is not in Taiwan?

Those pics were from Google, lol,
These are some uk unique “benefits”
Its no my hand lol lm a old guy lol near 60 soon lol

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We have hot and cold running water in Canada, and ovens, too

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I’ve never had a carpet in the kitchen in my life, maybe I wasn’t upperclass enough.
I remember way back we would have “Lino” in the kitchen and bathrooms.

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I’ve also never come across a carpeted kitchen, phnarr phnarr, but I recall carpeted bathrooms in the yook. They were particularly dubious in terms of hygiene.

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We had carpeted bathrooms in Texas. No idea why anyone thought this is a good idea. But in the states the HVAC system cools the entire house, if you’re not using them for whatever reason, then it will mold. They probably figured the heating and cooling keeps the place dry.

My grandmom had a habit of putting cloth seat covers on the toilet. They get disgusting very quickly.

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I have a friend who bought a house in Texas a few years back and the carpeting in the bathroom was awesome :joy:. I seem to remember staying in a rental in Florida that had carpeted bathrooms too. Similar climate to Taiwan, yet…

I mean I imagine in Florida, as well as Texas, HVAC systems run 24 7 so it means humidity is kept low artificially, to where having carpets in the bathroom isn’t such a problem. But should the home be one vacant for any length of time, mold city.

But seeing buildings in the states are built from cardboard and sticks, just about everything is vulnerable to mold, having carpets is the least of the problem.

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The carpet will trap urine and faeces. I don’t see how that can be avoided with air conditioning.


It also makes cleaning the toilet much harder. Carpet is expensive to clean properly.


That’s also a good point. Carpeted bathrooms seems like an unarguably bad idea.


Taiwan waterproof bathrooms are the way to go
Spray water everywhere

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Why aren’t they built this way in the states? I mean do they not expect bathrooms to be wet? It seems stupid.

Even bathrooms without carpets couldn’t be sprayed down like you could in Taiwan.

This is considering that kids will be kids and will just spray water everywhere, or shower without a curtain and all that. The bathroom should be built with this in mind.

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Water is really hard to control
Taiwanese apartments are built of concrete which is better at water control

American homes are built of sheet rock (made with wood) so water is a major problem

They already plastic tile a lot of bathrooms so it’s resistant to some moisture but not water resistant enough to spray water everywhere several times a day

Surely they have special sheet rocks or materials that are only used in bathrooms to make it waterproof, along with thresholds to ensure that water doesn’t spill out? When I was in the states the bathroom always smells bad because you don’t get to spray the toilet down every time you shower. You had to clean it meticulously, which is a lot more work to do.

Sometimes I just got a power washer and hosed the whole bathroom down. Do this in the states and you’ll do enough damage to get evicted.

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Say what you want… I find warm water gets rid of oily surfaces easily

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Just so you know, the following practice likely didn’t help with that… :whistle:

Yeah, carpets in bathrooms aren’t too smart though. Most of the places I lived in the UK had them. :nauseated_face:

Cold floors in the winter, I guess.