University English Teaching Jobs

Ni hou! I’m looking for advice (or opportunities) about finding a university English teaching job in Taiwan. I have a PhD in English literature, many publications and 10+ years teaching experience. Cheers, Bruno.

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The easiest way is to check the websites of the universities you are interested in working for. They usually post available positions.


Check all the websites and even if a uni isn’t advertising, call their English department or send them an email. Uni jobs are limited and competitive, but you have a PhD, publications and a lot of experience, so you’re in as good shape as possible. Deadlines for fall semester start are usually between April and June.


Thanks very much for your comment. I was hoping there was some alternative to scouring each uni’s website but I guess not.

When I got a university job in Taipei - well over a decade ago, when jobs were easier to come by - I sent my resume and a cover letter to about twenty different universities, and then called later for follow-up. Three or four were hiring, I had interviews at two (the others only accepted PhDs, which I didn’t have at the time), and both gave me offers. I don’t think any of them had job postings online. My next university job, similarly, didn’t have a posting online as far as I know yet there were still seven or eight of us there one day for interviews.

So, yeah, as DrewC said: it may be best to just write to the universities.


I also think it’s a bit early for universities to be hiring. They’ll probably start advertising after CNY during the spring semester. Around March is when a lot of them start looking for applicants.


Oh yeah, that too. Winter vacation has just started for universities, and next week everything will entirely shut down for a while - I don’t think there’s any point in sending schools anything until early to mid February. There may not even be anyone to answer the phone for the next couple of weeks.