University of Virginia Med School research on Life after death

Do you have any links or other examples of people who were returned to life (with enough brain function to explain their experiences) after having a flat EEG?

Hmmm what’s the sensitivity of the EEG device?

Yeah, but I’ll have to find it. Mario Beauregard said it in a podcast.

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It would be interesting to see that and how it correlated to near-death experiences. I took a quick look, I’ll try to look some more.

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Semantics, definitions. But still not the same than whatever death is hours or days after you’re buried.


This reminds me of a movie that left some impression on me when I was a kid (I think it’s this one!):

My wife’s family has a story, she was there. Grandma was pronounced dead and lying in her coffin for an old-style wake in the living room. Suddenly she sat up saying “It’s hot AF, why do I have all these clothes on? What are you all shouting about?” She lived for several years after.


I’d like to see the second funeral and burial. The hesitance in the faces, everybody looking at each other and afraid of having the same situation again lol