Urban Street Network Orientation incl. Taipei πŸ™οΈ

Street network orientation, connectivity, granularity, and entropy in 100 cities around the world using OpenStreetMap data:
Taipei in 4th row



Much of Taipei is oriented toward the north, except for a lot of the streets on the westside, which are oriented toward Seven Star Mt. This is mainly due to fengshui. City administrators in Qing dynasty thought the streets should be laid out toward the Seven Star, the highest peak outside of Taipei so as to give the city a solid backing. If you go down to Beimen, you’ll see that Boai St. and Yenping South Rd. both come together at the gate at an acute angle. Yenping is the older street directly facing the gate that’s pointed toward the Seven Star, whereas Boai, the newer street, is oriented toward the north.

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Interesting. I would have expected Mannheim as most ordered :sunglasses: