US Construction company awarded multi-million contract without public tender

Bechtel tied to bin Ladens … /index.htm

[quote=“blueface666”]My, my, my…

Galloway was in Saddam’s pay, say secret Iraqi documents

By David Blair in Baghdad

George Galloway, the Labour backbencher, received money from Saddam Hussein’s regime, taking a slice of oil earnings worth at least ?75,000 a year, according to Iraqi intelligence documents found by The Daily Telegraph in Baghdad.

A confidential memorandum sent to Saddam by his spy chief said that Mr Galloway asked an agent of the Mukhabarat secret service for a greater cut of Iraq’s exports under the oil for food programme.

He also said that Mr Galloway was profiting from food contracts and sought “exceptional” business deals. Mr Galloway has always denied receiving any financial assistance from Baghdad.

Asked to explain the document, he said yesterday: “Maybe it is the product of the same forgers who forged so many other things in this whole Iraq picture. Maybe The Daily Telegraph forged it. Who knows?”

More at: … altop.html[/quote]

More allegations along similar lines were made by the Christian Science Monitor. Now the CSM has admitted that the documents on which it based its story were forgeries, and has issued a public apology to George Galloway.

The current forensic evidence does not cast doubt on the Daily Telegraph’s documents. However, it did seemed odd even to the journalist who claimed to have found them that papers in pristine condition should turn up in a fire-blackened room. It also seems strange that, among presumably countless mostly Arabic documents in thousands of files, the British journalist just happened to come across these ones concerning the British MP. Now that the CSM docomuents have been proven false, an even bigger question mark must hang over those used by the Telegraph. Galloway is suing the Daily Telegraph for libel. The case continues…

Galloway documents deemed forgeries
Christian Science Monitor admits using forged documents against antiwar British MP Galloway