This definitely was not a good weekend for Republicans if they want to have any chance at the White House. Jeb Bush was smart enough to stay away from that circus showing he is the only serious candidate out there. I mean, why would someone go to anything hosted by Steve King? There is probably no greater idiot in Congress.
The whole thing was embarrassing to watch. I wish I had time to go back through all the threads where people here were accused of being sexist when pointing out that Palin is an idiot. Clearly, only other idiots now think she’s not an idiot. Here is her failed attempt at ‘fixing’ the situation:
[quote]Hannity noted that “a lot of people” — even her strongest supporters — had criticized Palin’s performance. Palin didn’t respond to Hannity directly, instead taking a swipe at the media and saying she doesn’t read the praise or criticism.
Read more: … z3QAndZoaj[/quote]
[quote]“I know she is popular, but it is hard to take her seriously given that performance,” said Sam Clovis, the conservative Iowa college professor, radio commentator, and sometime political candidate. “Palin was a sad story Saturday. With every speech she gives, she gets worse and worse. If one were playing a political cliche drinking game, no one would have been sober after the first 15 minutes of an interminable ramble. It was really painful.”
“Calling Gov. Palin’s remarks bizarre and disjointed would be charitable,” said a well-connected Iowa Republican. “Her shelf-life, even with the most conservative voters in our party, seems to be near the end. In a day filled with strong performances from likely candidates ranging from Scott Walker to Ted Cruz, her remarks were a distraction.”
“It was a long and incoherent speech,” added Craig Robinson, of the Iowa Republican blog. “At best, there were a few good one-liners.” Robinson continued:
Of all the people I talked to about Palin’s speech, only one person didn’t have a negative reaction. That person basically said it was a typical Sarah Palin speech. It was received poorly by everyone else I spoke with. I’m not comfortable sharing everything I heard about the speech — it was that bad.
No offense to Gov. Palin, but I do think it is problematic to have someone give a speech like that in the midst of a string of serious speeches by people who are seriously thinking about running for president. Palin made a guy like Trump look like a serious presidential candidate today. Incredible. … le/2559245[/quote]
Most people seem to think that Palin and Trump are only in this for publicity and know they don’t’ have a chance to win, but it’s great publicity to keep their ratings up for whatever idiotic TV show they have running. So that’s where America has gone… crazy people with money using presidential elections as publicity stunts. The other possibility is worse-that they actually run and get any level of support. I have to say, I’ve never seen a group of people with so little chance of winning the White House who think they have a chance at winning the White House. The Republican party is out of control-where is the leadership to shut down people who do nothing but damage the party?
I don’t have a horse in this race, but if the Dems keep it together while the Republicans continue their circus throughout the cycle, the election will be a no contest. I think the most likely outcome is that Clinton locks her nomination early and Bush is being chased by the nucking futters of his party until the last possible moment. Like Romney, he will lose a lot of states because the Republican party is completely disjointed. The Republicans with no chance will hurt the eventual nominee during the primaries and the Clintons will just come in with their machine and finish the job.