US military base on Taiwan

Not a response to a comment nor a statement. I’m a patriotic red-blooded American who would never imply such a thing.

For sure, but I don’t think that’s ever been a consideration or even necessary. As I understand it there are nuclear subs just chilling on standby at all times. Unsure if there are still bombers in the air at all times or that went out of fashion as the Cold War wound down.

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There used to be US nukes in Taiwan, but that was a long time ago

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There are Marines stationed at AIT, from what I have read and heard (about 30).
And the US Marines have been training Taiwanese forces here this past year.


@Satellite_TV :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Of course Taiwan News over simplified the “call” for Marines to be stationed in Taiwan.

Here’s the complete article with no details cherry picked.

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Second Lieutenant is the very bottom entry level of the US military officer corp. It’s your rank after you graduate from academy, university, etc.

We are talking like day one military entry up to 2 years or so.


He’s probably just doing a project as part of his military education.

Absolutely no credentials or experience at that level.

So funny that Taiwan news or anyone would pick this up as a story.


A marine battilion would be a serious deterant .

It’s not a bad idea I feel. He as the other poster said is just a lieutenant, but still a good idea. Not too big but still a deterrant especially when working alongside Taiwanese forces. A battilion could be up to 3000 men.

John Bolton said the USA trainers of Ukrainian forces should’ve never pulled out. Russia waited for them to leave.

Maybe that’s a good strategy for Taiwan.

All 30? And at an embassy. An embassy both countries are too afraid to call an embassy because China would be angry and throw their milk. Now there’s a wet blanket!

Their official role is security detail for diplomats.

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Ya. My bad I didn’t specifically write down I was being extremely facetious as that means literally nothing to Taiwan.

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Exactly! A brand, new butterbar, recommending American military policy, not!

In fact, when I initially read about this on Taiwan news, I thought it was a lieutenant colonel and just normal Taiwanese media misreporting and not actually a second lieutenant. Generally speaking, the USMC does not allow butterbars to even give public affair officer type press conferences or answers to the media.

The only exception to this is if he were a mustang. Perhaps he had been enlisted for 15 years, and then became a commissioned officer. But those are a few and far between. Most prior enlisted that become commissioned offers usually become warrant officers, at least in the Marine Corps.

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