US Presidential Election 2004 V

They were massacred because of Baathists. They were massacred because of self-righteous Islamic extremists. They were massacred because of hate-mongering Arab governments wearing self-serving patriotic blinders.

And thousands of the 20,000 men, women and children who died in Beirut, Lebanon were killed by US-supplied cluster bombs with the full knowledge of the American Congress.

The whole truth is never the neat black and white package extremists and hate-mongers on both sides would have the world believe it is. The key is to refuse to wear the blinders jingoists demand of their fellow citizens in the name of ersatz patriotism and only accept truth or falseness as the only legitimate criteria for evaluating the condition of the world – not political correctness, not fear of character assassination, not phony flag-waving.

The whole truth is never the neat black and white package extremists and hate-mongers on both sides would have the world believe it is. [/quote]

“The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who in times of great moral crises maintain their neutrality” - Dante

Maybe stem-cell research really is only bad because Republicans will use the technology to replicate Dittoheads.

The hottest places in hell may be reserved for those who, on utterly false pretences, sent 140,000 U.S. troops into the middle of nowhere when there was a war to be fought against actual terrorists.

The invasion of Iraq seems more akin to the mad thrashing about of the cyclops Polyphemus after his blinding by Ulysses.


[quote=“mofangongren”]The hottest places in hell may be reserved for those who, on utterly false pretences, sent 140,000 U.S. troops into the middle of nowhere when there was a war to be fought against actual terrorists.

And how does this affect you? Are you a veteran? Have you been called up? Got news for you, Saddam had all the time in the world to comply with UN sanctions. He didn’t. Tough shitski. Iraq is better off without him and American troops are kicking ass and taking names. Now maybe that bothers you. Why don’t you go there and tell the American troops of your concern. I’ll be interested in viewing the CNN report of you getting your ass kicked by a platoon of pissed-off paratroops.

[quote=“Comrade Stalin”][quote=“mofangongren”]The hottest places in hell may be reserved for those who, on utterly false pretences, sent 140,000 U.S. troops into the middle of nowhere when there was a war to be fought against actual terrorists.

And how does this affect you? Are you a veteran?[/quote]

How does this affect me? It affects all Americans that the Bush administration has taken his eye off the war on terror and, instead, sent half our combat troops into the middle of nowhere. I would ask the same question of anybody who thought a wise way to fight cockroaches and mice is to sprinkle corn flakes all over the kitchen floor.

Not yet, but unlike Republican chickenhawks I have always been glad to serve my country.

And that somehow justifies our putting half our combat troops into the middle of nowhere? There are other countries out there that have not fully complying with various sanctions programs, and we’re not invading them. When BushI brought the troops home with this issue unresolved after the first Gulf War, the UN also slipped into a mode of accepting Iraq’s noncompliance in exchange for Iraq not having a normal functioning economy.

That’s a good argument? You expect good governance? Tough shitski! You expect the White House not to lie about the reasons for going to war? Tough shitski! Sorry, buddy, but that just doesn’t wash with me. It would appear your expectations of elected government are quite low.

You’re just using that phrase without knowing what it means. “Taking names” means to decimate an enemy unit to the point where it no longer exists. In the fight against these insurgent groups, can it honestly be said that we have led to the destruction of a single named group? Recent information suggests that the numbers of insurgents and funding for them is far greater than had previously been thought. There’s some ass-kicking going on over there, but it’s far from clear who’s doing it.

My concerns are quite clear among friends serving in the Marines, and quite a few have shared their concerns as well. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that our servicemen and women are stupid – they read the news, they have access to the internet, and many of them have a very direct picture of what’s going on over there. Why don’t you go there and serve a bit yourself? Your posts so far indicate that you’re probably an armchair chickenhawk who hasn’t even put in a single day’s service to your nation. You can perhaps do a lot more than cheerlead a war that has no relationship to American security. While there, you can perhaps try out your “tough shitski” phrase on the troops and check out their reaction; I’d be glad to see the CNN coverage of the aftermath of that.

Ten Reasons America Needs a ChangeBy Ted Rall

  1. He stole the 2000 election.
  2. He politicized 9/11.
  3. He let the terrorists get away while giving them a payraise.
  4. He murdered nearly 100,000 people.
  5. He bankrupted the treasury.
  6. He threw thousands of innocent people into concentration camps.
  7. We are more feared than Al Qaeda.
  8. Bush has done nothing to improve the economy.
  9. Bush will appoint the next Supreme Court justice.
  10. We deserve a president who can speak English and doesn’t look like a chimpanzee.

In the great forumosa tradition of finding a piece of ‘news’ on on a politician and reading into in what is not there:

Here is a picture of “Jewish Senator and Presidential candidate John Kerry sharing a laugh with Anton LaVey (Boehm), the former Jewish head of the Church of Satan” from an islamic website: … cratic.htm

July 17 1982 was a Saturday, never mind eh ?

Have you been called up?

(cough cough)Right. That’s exactly what I thought. Talk’s cheap. Whiskey costs money. If you are in taiwan and you want to serve your country, get on the next flight to Guam and join up. You’ll be there in only 4 hours.

Please contact:

Sergeant First Class Albert A. Abadam
U.S. Army Reserve Recruiter
U.S. Army Recruiting Station
GCIC Bldg. Arcade
404 W. Soledad Ave.
Agana, Guam 96910
(671) 477-7330/Fax: (671) 477-7669
Cell: (671) 689-7621

Sergeant First Class Melvin B. Fernandez
U.S. Army Reserve Recruiter
U.S. Army Recruiting Station
GCIC Bldg. Arcade
404 W. Soledad Ave.
Agana, Guam 96910
(671) 477-7330/7666 or DSN 344-9813
Fax: (671) 477-7669
Cell: (671) 689-7620

They will be happy to assist you in your quest to serve your nation.

11-Bravo. 23rd Infantry Division. Chu Lai, Republic of Vietnam. And I was there longer than 4 months. So kiss my ass, punk.

Of course, your man, Kerry, voted against even kicking Saddam out of Kuwait. Had it been up toyour man, Kerry, Saddam would have been in an even stronger position with control of Kuwait’s oil and not having been thrashed in the 1991 war.

Once again, mofangongren demonstrates his woeful ignorance.

Yeah, Kerry’s no friend of the religious right!

Comrade Stalin, I have unfortunately been told I am too old for this fight, circa the period immediately after 9/11 when I thought we were going to be fighting the terrorists in Afghanistan and elsewhere. However, I am also not a cheerleader for this false Iraq war unlike many of the chickenhawks prowling this forum and the halls of the White House these days.

I congratulate you on your service on behalf of the United States and the free world in Vietnam. In the middle of the Cold War, we were able to raise the bar against communist aggression, and I do not regret that we fought that war or the related fights in Laos and Cambodia. I therefore stand corrected that you are not a chickenhawk, even if I think your views on this war are greatly mistaken.

Comparing the NAACP to the KKK? I didn’t know the NAACP endorsed murder, and I also know several white NAACP members. How can an organization founded to help disadvantaged youth be compared to the KKK? Anyway, that’s Republican logic.
Also, any money given towards vouchers is a way of undermining an education system that’s already fraught with problems. The Republicans always create figures about how much is being spent and think that privatization will somehow solve this, although privatizing schools and jails has shown to result in poor results.
Besides, if all this money is being wasted on education, what about Bush’s spending in Iraq? Do you realize that we will never be able to pay off the U.S. debt at this point? Watch the TV and see how $40,000 elevators are being built at our expense in apartment buildings in the desert to ‘win minds.’ This isn’t wasteful? Repub’s saying the Dem’s are wasting money is certainly the pot calling the kettle black. Thanks to Reagan our debt has become the largest in the world. Bush will certainly help destroy the country’s standing as superpower even more.

Marylin Manson was one of the official celebrity endorsers of Bush in 2000. He is also a Reverend minister of the Church of Satan. The title of this thread is misleading.

From the L.A. Weekly, 2000: … /ap/cheney

[quote=“Pete Yost, AP”]Kerry Took Poll on Bin Laden Tape
Sun Oct 31, 6:50 PM ET

By PETE YOST, Associated Press Writer

LOS LUNAS, N.M. - Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that Sen. John Kerry’s first response to Osama bin Laden’s new videotape was to take a poll to find out what he should say about it.

A spokesman for Kerry’s campaign did not deny polling on the bin Laden videotape, but suggested President Bush has done so. Bush’s campaign strategist denied asking any poll questions about the al-Qaida terrorist.

“The thing that I find amazing about it is that John Kerry’s first response was to go conduct a poll,” Cheney told supporters in Fort Dodge, Iowa. “He went into the field … to find out what he should say about this tape of Osama bin Laden.”[/quote]
Wow, that’s decisive. And that really tells us what Kerry believes about Osama bin Laden. His gut instinct isn’t to say what he feels, but rather to find out what the swing voters think about it and then reflect that back at them.

And some people actually think that idiot is qualified to be a leader?

I thought it was Wednesday, but then I saw a reference to ‘tomorrow’.

So Tuesday ro Wednesday?

What time (Taiwan time) can we expect results to start coming in, and about what time for a final (pending court cases etc :wink: ) result?


November 2, 2004 (US Time)

Wednesday in Taiwan though. Mostly.

by 9am or so wednesday morning taiwan time you should start seeing results coming in.