USA and gun control

…just like your posts could never be written by a paranoid moron . NEVER. :joy:

There are, of course, rumors that the deputies were ordered to stand down, a la Bengazhi, and perhaps also Baltimore and Charlottesville. It would explain a great deal.

Alternate explanation: the fish rots from the head. Israel is a moron who selects like-minded morons.

There will be FOIA demands. There will likely be investigations. Those who care about the truth will keep the pressure up until the truth comes out.

So far, the gun grabber’s narrative has been shredded, and the pushers of the narrative are shamed. That’s a start.

You’re cute when you’re on the defensive.

Experts, you say?

Must be paranoid experts.

There are rumours that there are mountains of cheese on the moon. You just never know.:rofl:

If it turns out to be true, you’ll be the last to know,

Fancy some Wensleydale?

Oh, and… Baltimore is more than just rumors:

Yes, Virginia, they actually do these things.


By the bye, our favorite worthless lawman was given an opportunity to deny, and…

More on why that crazy bastard kid wasn’t locked up BEFORE those 17 had to die…

Political correctness kills people. Fuck diversity.

School-to-prison pipeline: bad. School-to-morgue pipeline: eh.

Concerns were raised. Concerns were ignored. This is concerning…

“It seems a little strange, but the way the law reads we can’t deny them (a permit) just based on that one thing,”

It does seem a little strange.

Musn’t discriminate against the designated victim groups, right?

Blind people have very keen senses of hearing, so when they hear the screaming they know they’ve hit their target.

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I wept because I had no shoes, but then I discriminated against people who had no feet and that made me feel better…

You mean you’re not going to play the Inchmile™ card on this one? :astonished:

New Yorker cartoon.



(Link didn’t work.)

Because this is really all about the narratives, let’s look at how the narratives are doing:

And here’s another torpedo in the hull of the gun grabber’s narrative:

This thread is fish in a barrel.

Speaking of fish in a barrel… :roll:

Today’s DR: Momentarily stepping out of your limo to talk to a guy holding a bat is like, totally in the same category as subduing a mass shooter. :rainbow:


Fish in a barrel indeed. With an automatic rifle. No background check.

It’s a difference of degree, I’ll grant. But it’s way more than a lot of people I could name.

Would you go up unarmed against an armed man? If not, you’re less of a man than The Donald. Or me, for that matter. But I don’t like to go into detail online about my personal life. Let’s just say that I started out unarmed, because I was never the one that started the fight. The instigator has all the advantages that come with initiative: choice of venue, choice of weapon, and sometimes the element of surprise. You counter with cleverness and ruthlessness and whatever comes to hand.

If I were up against a mass shooter, I’d want a gun. Not even as good as gun as he has, just any old gun. But yeah, same principle. If I were feeling especially brave or desperate, I might go against him with a baseball bat, but I’d much prefer a .38.

And now we are back on topic.

Notice how the people who want to take our guns from us fail to show personal courage when it’s needed? Would Sheriff Israel go up unarmed against a guy with a bat? I’m guessing not, since he prefers to be the only guy with a gun.

Be your own first responder, because the guys with the badges aren’t there when you need them. And even if they are, you can’t necessarily count on them. That’s the Aesop here, folks.

Whenever anybody says they’d take on a shooter - unless they’re special forces and have been in the thick of it before - they’re almost definitely going to piss their pants when faced with an actual shooter.

Everybody wants to think they’re a hero, but most understand they can’t really understand what it actually feels like when the time comes. I genuinely can’t think of anything more pathetic than trying to explain how much of a hero you’d absolutely be. And no bigger indication that you’re probably a major pussy.

Well, that and draft dodging.

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