USD6000/month teaching in China True or False?

If a person wants to risk oppression, jail, harming the world for a sort of decent paycheck, just sell drugs and make more money while not being quite so as detrimental to global health haha.

Oh stop. With that kind of hyperbolic logic getting a donut and frappalatte at Dunkin smothers babies in the Congo.


Lots of people suck the teet for greener pastures not willing to admit they are working for peices of shit. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

For teaching i would agree if a person wants to actually better society and teach kids to grow up critical thinkers. Its always great. Such a taking a high paying job in Taiwan, Japan, Korea etc teaching English. Its a much different thing. Thats why I said you risk opression and jail, cause its china for F sakes…gotta play the sheep for cash. In reality, i think that is actually a bad idea for many reasons. An if mkney is the only consideration, sell drugs instead :slight_smile:

Edit. Dunkin donuts and Borneo, not Congo. A well researched fact in regards to.palm oil, so ya…science my friend. The above is more about human culture and politics than environment…but ya, we can go both ways on this :slight_smile:

Of course denying everything always feels good until it doeant anymore. To each their own.

I would pick any other Asian country to teach English and feel quite peaceful that i am not only not really a risk of future personal oppression and also that im not enabling the dictatorship hell bent on being crazy. I wouldnt want to teach in north korea either…so, 2 asian countries.

Sure, because they don’t cause any of the harm you’re going on about.

Its a fun one to go into because much of the bad ones are exported crom china in massive quantities. Even the homade meh in taiwan is.made predominatly from chinese ephedra. But anyway, selling some drugs is far less harmful than supporting world domination. supporting bad drugs, ironically are often the same ones china are exporting (eg fentynal) haha.

Hehe. anyway, just pointing it out. Sometimes the paycheck isnt the only the to consider in this world. Dont shoot the messenger :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, but do you know how much eco-damage growing pot does? Outside in the hills in CA or inside in hydroponic grow labs? Looooots.

i would suggest that “Sell drugs instead of teaching in China” is really very quite poor advice. But hey man you do you.


Ahh man why ya gotta be the Debbie downer.

I guess it depends where you’re selling the drugs.

Not so, Levine says. “Nobody in their right mind wants to grow indoors. Sometimes you read these articles, and they make it seem like the industry is just, ‘Oh, we’re so happy we are indoors.’ Believe me, no one is happy with a $200,000-a-month electricity bill.” :weary:


You ask any right leaning people, drugs are bad, marijuana is bad, and it’s a gateway drug, damages the environment, and people should be locked up for life for it.


Ok, i concede. Fuck California AND China then :slight_smile:

Growing that crop actually is quite a sustianable practice though and easily be a net benefit for the soil biota and creating topsoils and sub soils that are far more condusive to better future crops. Nevermind oils, textiles and nutrition. But hey, silly me being me :slight_smile:

Anyway, just messing around.

The point is if a person wants to actually go to china to better the kids future and try and improve thier chances with an oppressive regime brainwashing them otherwise, i have TOTAL respect for those people. If a person is going to china to make money only, furthering the countries agressive goals of oppression…then yes, i am jokingly saying selling drugs is probably no different (if not better, just dont sell made in china drugs!) but you make more money an have the same level of guilt. You are still fucking people over, risking jailtime etc. But you make more. And you dont lend a hand in ww3. So…har har :slight_smile:

Alternatively other countries with good pay for english teachers arent currently trying to take over everyone else. Just saying…thought it would be pretty obvious. But i do me, you do you, he does him, she does her etc. All good. Just dont pretend your doing gods work supporting the ccp, and its all good.

They can cover it.

These people are called ignorant. And bias. :wink:

Although cultivating anything can be bad for the environment. Most are due to human methods, not species being bad for the ecosystem. Sweet potato and beans are far worse to the environment than hemp ever can be :wink: different topic though

I’m sorry if this is news to you but some people don’t want their tax money used for evil purposes.

In a democracy that’s a slippery slope.

I’m “right leaning” and you’re way off base.