Using an international driver's license and other questions

I’m certain this has been answered before but I can’t find it.

I have an international driver’s permit but Taiwan, not being a part of the world that every other country is in, doesn’t recognize this past the first month of stay. I’ve read that you can get it stamped (somewhere) for extended use, but what I’m not clear on is:

Do you have to get it stamped within that first month of stay, or can you get it retroactively stamped?

Alternatively, I’m willing to test for a Taiwanese license, but I was told today that you need an ARC valid for 1 year from the date of application. That doesn’t make sense to me since every ARC I’ve ever had has only been valid for a year total. In other words, I would have to take to the driver’s test the very day I received my ARC or else it would not be valid for a year. That can’t be the case, right?

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Getting an international driver’s license in taiwan