Veggies and safety

What do you guys wash your veggies with, is tap water safe or should we be using bottled water?

Tap water is just fine, I boil them in it too so…
That said, I guess it depends on how paranoid you are…

My tap water has a filter. My veggies are washed in special “detergent for vegetables” and if possible, soaked in water for a while.

My mother was a bit too paranoid in this regard: she’d add a couple of drops of bleach to the soaking veggies. :astonished: Took me a while to talk her out of it.

Use a 1:1 vinegar solution in a spray bottle by your sink. You can use that for cleaning most stuff around the house too.

Also, we do use hot water to wash some vegies, but don’t run it long enough to cook them.

I saw costco is selling special “vegetable wash”, might be something for those of you concerned…

correct me if im wrong, but i think the water in Taiwan is more contaminated with heavy metals and other pollutants rather than bacteria type things.

I dont drink it but i cook with it…i also wash my hands, brush my teeth and shower init. for no other reason than using bottles water for all those things is not so feasible. though water filters i can see as a great way of getting rid of things for things liek cooking, i would if i was not so careless.

I am also not positive on vegetables but because manure is not so common in veggie patches here (ie its not often sprayed on crops like in NA), so im thinking that things like ecoli are not as common in that regard. that said i have had ecoli a number of times here (source unknown) and most places to eat out (except for “real restaurants” cook all their vegetables, rarely is raw fresh veg avialable.