Video about which country’s men Taiwanese women love

Interesting video, but results from 41 women not that surprising other few Westerners

[Guess which country’s men Taiwanese women love. “Which country’s men do you love?” I asked them (]

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Brits only got one!

Without watching (no way I’m watching that), I’d guess Korea in first place.


Can’t believe no one mentioned Texas.

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Close run with the neighbours up North…they ain’t looking too far away. Have to say the range of nationalities was fairly fucking limited lol but they were mostly asking teenagers so there was that…

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The only thing that’s surprising about the results is how many people said America because “they’re tall and handsome.” We prefer the term “big boned” :slight_smile:

Korea naturally wins due to the amount of K dramas that are consumed here.

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I think this is the same in most nations, I think in Ireland they prefer other Euros beside Irish, though I did see bit more Asian women than I thought.

so, I can really use this, will it offend anyone?

I don’t think Irish people would completely ignore every country South of them :wink:. Besides there’s so many foreigners in Ireland now you can just throw a stick and date one.
Influence of Korean K pop and dramas pretty predictable here. They will get a shock going to Korea though and seeing what they actually look like.


Guy #3 like American because related to something you said

Russian men got some love in that video . . . due to their perceived ability to fight. :grimacing:


Summary of votes + reasons:

Korea x14 (handsome, k-pop)
Japan x13 (cute, polite)
USA x7 (handsome, tall, blue eyes)
Russian x2 (good at fighting)
China x1 (good looking)
Malaysia x1 (kind, friendly)
UK x1 (structured face + big nose)
France x1 (sexy)
Netherlands x1 (tall)


WTF. Where is Germany (yummy sausage and knuckles)?


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You now work for the Supreme Council for National Reconstruction :+1:


I thought Canadians and their starry eyed innocence would at least get one vote. Alas it was not to be. :joy:


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Where is Taiwan in the list? I thought they’d be number one.

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Based how they look, if how they look survey seems like how how Taiwan think who is handsome.

The USA reasons is interesting as its different from what I saw there.


Yes not much grounding in reality there. :rofl:



Not only USA, some Taiwanese are surprise how many immigrants in Canada too. Seems Canada has many happy immigrants.