Vietnamese Real Estate Tycoon Sentenced to Death

44bn of fraud over 11 years.


"The court sentenced her to death, saying her actions “not only violate the property management rights of individuals but also pushed SCB into a state of special control, eroding people’s trust in the leadership of the (Communist) party and state.”

I’m am generally really against the death penalty. But seems the government officials that took bribes should get the death penalty far before she does, as they directly betrayed the trust of the public under official uniform. Thats WAY worse!. What a weird one. But certainly good to see heavy hands on governemnt corruption. I hope we see more, albeit perhaps liquidation, assets taken and life in prison. Not death. I wish Taiwan started cracking down on this more heavily as well.



The amount of money is significant for a developing country like Vietnam so i understand why they went heavy handed.

I also heard that they applied the death penalty to try to get her to cut a deal to recover more money they she may be hiding.

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So many people got caught up.
Her driver picked up a few $billion in Dong notes and stored them in her home or wherever. Like a few crates worth, lol.

44 billion US, a little over ten to the power of fifteen Dong: about 1/500 of the US GDP, 1/5 the net worth of Bernard Arnault, 300 times the GDP of Nauru, or the annual income of more than 10 million average Vietnamese people. Yikes.


Nice verbal infoporn for perspective there!

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I think capital punishment should only be applied in murder cases. Massive financial fraud is despicable, but killing her is an even bigger moral wrong. An American version of this would be Bernie Madoff, and I can’t imagine giving him a lethal injection, even if he was a huge scumbag that financially ruined countless lives. He didn’t, at least directly, end anyone’s physical existence.

Anyway, imo, a 20 year to life sentence is what I’d consider appropriate. But they definitely don’t screw around with their retributive justice in most SE Asian countries.

You have to look into Vietnam politics lately.
Turned over 2 heads of state in last year or so (same level as Xi in China) and corruption out of control.
It’s all politics in this case, kill the chicken to shock all the monkeys, so to speak. Granted, she’s a big fucking chicken.

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Some of his victims killed themselves, sadly.


His own son committed suicide.

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His other son died shortly after of cancer too. Many people attribute the stress and shame of it causing him to get sick and it definitely entirely possible.


Yes, he was terrible. And I’m sure he was the cause of it. But it can’t be directly attributable in a court of law (eg: no pulling of the trigger, or even encouraging person to take their own life).

I’m not shedding any tears for this person, and I realize she’s being made an example of by a country that has been destabilized by people like her. But I still think it’s too much. Then again, this corner of the world also executes drug dealers.

Think of the incredible, real damage these people cause though. And there may well be literally zero doubt about their guilt. I think you can make a case for it.


Ya, I can’t see it actually happening. Probably just a threat. I wonder if she even gets life…doubt it.

Things often get deep quick. For me I have a hard time with the death penalty for non violence. However, logically, it makes sense to just kill someone if they have life without any possibility of getting out earlier. It’s just cheaper. As a person of money and greed, she should appreciate the irony!