Violent protestors storm US capitol building

Everyone of these protestors needs to be captured, pants down and given 50 lashes with the rattan cane.


Defunding the police is silly. Holding police accountable is quite reasonable as I hope whoever shot the woman (obviously not 16) is held accountable and a violent response is never the right response from a mob, hopefully the Trump supporters go home, which was Trumps last tweet which for whatever reason Twitter removed.


My post is there to point out inconsistency more than anything.

From what I saw, a mob was trying to smash in a capitol building door. They had already broken the window on it and were pushing in. At least I think this was the video of it…if it was, it looked justifiable as a self-defense, not sure what other tools those police had on them.

Can you really not conjure up a logical reason as to why Trump’s tweet was removed? It does not matter what he said after the first sentences, he glorified what happened today – people storming the capitol, causing damage, and making people fear for their lives.

Seriously, how the hell isn’t it obvious to you.


I think it may be argued that arresting her might have been a better option than shooting her in the neck. But that will be for whoever decided to shoot her to answer.

Like I said it looked like a mob bigger than the police presence at that door was present. I’m not sure arrest was an option. Maybe warning shots were.

Regardless, this is the kind of consequence that cannot be unexpected when you put yourself in that kind of position, threatening police officers.

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ooof, is the irony of protesters spending the entire past 6 months attacking police non stop escape you? I don’t recall them shooting anyone in the neck and killing them.

How is it possible for you to have such double standards? When George Floyd was killed I said the kneeling on his neck was wrong, should be investigated and police should be held accountable. I said riots were not the appropriate response.

I am saying the same thing here, the shooting should be investigated, people should not act like a mob and go home.

Why are you so up in arms about some acts by police, which I agree with you need to be investigated and them an unarmed woman is shot and killed and you are like “seemed like self defense to me”?


it’s unacceptable this woman was shot and killed. maybe these dumbass “patriots” will wake up to police brutality now. the police successfully de-escalated the other thousand people storming the capitol without killing them. the police CAN do it. it’s tragic if anyone gets killed. the police allowed them in.

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13 arrests were conducted today. let that sink in. THIRTEEN.

10,000 hogs storm the capitol in an attempt to overturn the election. country is a joke.

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You’re getting too general once again and losing my attention, as usual.

I saw the video here, and described what I saw. It looked like a position of defendable self defense, as a mob bashing in a door against outnumbered cops, if you’re going to court over it. Of course I can’t comment on the minutiae of what happened, or if there wasn’t some alternative, which I already posited there could have been, if you had bothered to read. :open_book:

Vox is garbage, like Fox. Have you considered learning to distinguish between more and less useful sources?


Well, I tend to come from the point of view of someone who grew up in the UK where police generally don’t have guns and just shooting someone is not really an option.

So no I wasn’t there, but shooting some woman who is climbing through a window would seem to be quite an over reaction. Someone saying something along the lines of “seemed reasonable to me”, makes me wonder if they have that general standard, you know, whenever the police feel threatened, shoot them in the face and say “sounds reasonable to me” because I would beg to differ.


3 points.

  1. I watched the video once, again I saw a large group breaking down a door, not like, 1 or 2 people or something. A mob.

  2. Police are often poorly trained, as this poor woman may have found out firsthand, but again, a response anyone with common sense would be able to anticipate if they’re in touch with planet earth recently.

  3. In court, based on the video with the mob I saw, even if the cops could have taken better action, they could probably successfully defend themselves based on the group size and what was happening with the door.

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There was probably more to that. Countless people climbed up a wall and none of them were shot.

To those who claimed that trump and his bootlickers would never attempt to overthrow the US government when I insisted otherwise:



It’s obviously antifa undercover making Trump supporters look bad. Someone posted the official antifa hotmail account here before, I’m sure they are turning stones over as we speak.


There have been several incidents in my area where thieves have been apprehended, and released several times in one day. There was one incident involving a car thief who was caught and released three times… yeah, I know anecdotal. I don’t care. The guy should have been executed after the 2nd offense… only half-joking. (Since April, CA has had catch and release due to the virus._)

From Gascon’s office:
The DA’s office will no longer seek enhancements of any kind (i.e. gang enhancements, three strikes, etc.), saying they undermine rehabilitation, exacerbate racial inequities and unnecessarily crowd jails and prisons. This policy will also be retroactive. The office estimates there could be up 30,000 cases eligible for re-sentencing.

He also said he will immediately end the practice of charging minors as adults.

The following is an excerpt of a letter written by a 27 year veteran LAPD officer:
"On December 3, 2020, DA George Gascón was sworn into office. Within minutes, Mr. Gascon released a series of very progressive and controversial changes about how his office would prosecute crimes in LA Co. Some of those changes include the elimination of cash bail, even though the voters of CA declined that proposition on the ballot under Proposition 25. He has also the eliminated the filing of special circumstance enhancements on the most heinous of crimes and re-opened old cases causing the early release of many inmates. In my opinion, the most significant change that will effect this valley is his decision to refuse to file criminal charges on several misdemeanor crimes. Those crimes range from prostitution, trespassing, driving without a drivers license, criminal threats, and more. This means that if our Los Angeles Co Sheriff’s deputies respond to a call for service of a person, threatening you on your own property, the DA has publicly stated he will decline to press any criminal charges, and he will release the offender immediately. This is just one example. This can have a significant impact on our quality of life here in this valley. In the City of Los Angeles, where I work, the the City Attorney’s Office has the authority to file charges on all misdemeanor cases… "

This argument hasn’t been made cause there is no credible evidence of this obviously. But there is credible evidence that the proud boys were going undercover in small groups today, not in their normal stupid polo uniform. And there is credible evidence of right wingers doing this at antifa and BLM protests. So…

update: I spoke too soon, Matt Gaetz LITERALLY just said it was antifa infiltrators that stormed the capitol just now in his speech at the senate. batsh*t.

Typical sleazy politicians

“ When I arrived in Washington this morning, I fully intended to object to the certification of the electoral votes,” Loeffler said. “However, the events that have transpired today have forced me to reconsider. And I cannot now in good conscience object to the certification of these electors.”

Keep supporting Trump and his base of simple minded rabid supporters till it comes to their backyard. Then they suddenly develop a “conscience”. So for all their bible thumping constituents… be it known that these politicians whom you voted for get their moral compass not from the bible but from the actions of terrorists.

(Not that getting anything from the bible necessarily makes good sense, but still …)

