Violent protestors storm US capitol building

Pelosi thanking federal troops. To be clear, she is not inciting democrat supporters to attack them.


Unlike what some people who have supported Trump for years are trying to pretend, this was not just a bunch of citizens who got out of hand- this was an organized plan to seize the Capitol and capture or murder members of Congress, aided and abetted by other members of Congress (Republicans, of course).
As to the argument that they would haves covered their faces, check this picture-

Why aren’t these people covering their faces?
a) They don’t think they are doing anything wrong.
b) They think (quite correctly) that they won’t face any consequences for their actions.

The Not-So-Proud Boys are scattering like cockroaches at the sight of those National Guard soldiers, precisely because there is going to be a response if they show up again, and not just undermanned posts, complicit insiders, or friendly selfies.


Republicans don’t want to adhere to metal detectors all of a sudden, throwing tantrums at police trying to screen for the building. Children would be a compliment.

Sadly, just days later, many House Republicans have disrespected our heroes by verbally abusing them and refusing to adhere to basic precautions keeping members of our Congressional community, including the Capitol Police, safe. The House will soon move forward with a rule change imposing fines on those who refuse to abide by these protections. The fine for the first offense will be $5,000 and $10,000 for the second offense. The fines will be deducted directly from Members’ salaries by the Chief Administrative Officer.

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Democrats Naïveté dialed up to 9000. First time seeing political stunts?

Metal detectors = symbolic

Pelosi standing in front of national guard = symbolic

News looping video of national guard sleeping in Capitol = symbolic

It’s all forced, not genuine


Metal detectors = tools to stop terries

Pelosi standing in front of national guard = someone who respects the troops

News looping video of national guard sleeping in Capitol = what’s waiting for cutie pies

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The smartest, please. So smart no one has ever seen before.

As did a lot of other countries, and the Pfizer one is made in Belgium too.
For one of the vaccines countries had to pre pay 150,000,000 USD no matter what the outcome, non-refundable.

They are arrogant pricks?

Your republican criminal president is the biggest symbolic pos ever.

He’s not a snowstorm, he’s a blizzard!

Sure. To the shallow observer. But look deeper.

Who are the metal detectors really for? If they were there last week would they have made a difference?Or is it that the government doesn’t trust the officials that we voters elected? If the house majority doesn’t trust the people we vote for, what does that say? Does it mean the house doesn’t trust the People? Wouldn’t that be a dangerous prelude to a one party system? But most likely it’s just a symbolic middle finger to the Republican Party - a reminder that Democrats hold the power of the media and can wield it in any which way they want to get what they want.

Oh really Pelosi respects them? She really respected the military when she ripped up the state of the Union speech on live TV inside a government building — hmm wait isn’t that action inciting insurrection too?

The news keeps looping it because it looks scary - they want Americans to fear Trump, Republicans, and want to force 75 million people to change their minds. It’s not going to be easy because 5 years of extreme liberal media attacking Trump and his supporters has caused so much damage already, it will take years to repair - starting with fair and balanced news coverage.


I’m afraid it’s not that complicated, rest easy.

Have you considered the possibility that a good portion of the 74.2 million people who voted for Trump:

  1. Were voting against Biden, not for Trump.
  2. Wouldn’t vote for Trump again following his post-election meltdown which demonstrated that he’s neither stable nor a genius.

Isn’t that what Fox is for? :roll_eyes:

“When they attack the person instead of the argument
that’s all you need to know”


Reminds me perfectly of many of my experiences posting online. But that’s the online world for ya.

I haven’t. Who do you suppose the Dems could have run that would have caused that good portion or any portion to change sides? And if people were still willing to vote for him after that 4 years, I doubt this rates much.

Good question. I don’t have a specific name, but I do know it’s not a 78 year-old white male career politician who has a lot of baggage and signs of dementia.

And I do believe that if another election was held today and Trump was the Republican candidate, he would receive considerably less than 74.2 million votes. Not all of them would go to Biden, of course. A lot of people probably wouldn’t vote.

Ya teach that to your president who has done nothing but attack persons rather than issues.

Actually it is not easy to unseat a sitting president so there was some kind of turnover already in those numbers. The big numbers on both side is more a function of demography and turnout. Having more voters does not make Biden a better president than Abraham Lincoln.

Yeah, we acknowledge you have some dangerous lunatics in your caucus.