Violent protestors storm US capitol building

Democratic lawmaker accuses Boebert of giving tours prior to insurrection - CNNPolitics

Benedict Boebert Arnold. Time for the ‘both sides are just as bad’ lie to vanish into the night sky, once and for all.

I wouldn’t put much stock in anything Eric Swalwell says, he was accusing Trump of being compromised by a phony fake pee pee dossier cooked up by Clinton to distract from her emails while sleeping with Fang Fang the Chinese spy which no doubt the Chinese have compromising videos of, the irony, in her wisdom Pelosi has made sure Swalwell keeps his position on the intelligence committee.

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Are those accusations corroborated by anyone besides RW media and the 17 House Republicans that asked for his removal? It would be good to hear them confirmed by figures without the credibility issues.

Eric Swalwell? Sleeping with Fang Fang the Chinese spy? I believe Eric Swalwell confirmed he was given a defensive brief about Fang Fang, just google Fang Fang the Chinese spy.


I have googled it. Swalwell was involved with Fang Fang, both parties were given defensive briefs about him from the FBI. That’s what is known.

Only the usual suspects in the RW blogosphere trying to deflect attention from the real criminal escapades of the past 4 years are calling for his removal, none of them have had the courage to call for the removal of Trump’s admin or GOP accountability for collusion , sedition, treason, and insurrection. So what those journalists and politicians say is worthless. Until further notice.

I’ll wait til credible politicians and journalists provide more info.

You’ll be waiting a long time then.

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I agree, crossing Swalwell off this list, just for the sake of argument and actual guilt aside, still leaves other people. thoughts @mick?

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Do they even exist?

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“credible politicians” and “credible journalists” two oxymoron’s in one sentence. There’s a picture somewhere with Fang Fang the Chinese spy with Sen. Dianne Feinstein very own Chinese spy of over 20 years I can dig out for you.

What is it with Democrats and Chinese spies, do they all have one?


I believe the Russians were already spoken for

Also, there must be other threads for shitting on Dems, if that’s more up your alley :wink:


This kind of cynicism is self defeating, and we could list a lot of politicians that are credible in an honest appraisal. To lump them all together is both wrong and dangerous. These kinds of attacks on U.S. institutions have eroded faith in truth and our media establishment, and our government.


Oh please, I have had a healthy skepticism of politicians and what motivates them all my life in every country in the world and most people share them.

We can all be pleasantly surprised when a politician seems to fight the good fight, or when a journalist fights for the truth, they should be commended especially in the case of journalism as they usually do so in the face of adversity.

Sharyl Attkisson comes to mind, unfortunately those who can’t admit any wrongdoing by the Obama administration can’t look objectively at this issue.

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You just said that ALL politicians and ALL journalists are not credible.

It’s your position that is really untenable here.

I hope you can think this through as ALL of your images and information are also “mediated.”

Good luck figuring this out.



The lie behind the attack on the Capitol.


Of course its not ALL, can’t a person make a tongue in cheek comment about credible journalists and politicians without triggering outrage?

I quite like John Solomon, who ironically gets lambasted by those on the left because they don’t like what he says, good segment on Lou Dobbs discussing the politicization of the intelligence community and the recent attempts by the CIA to politicize Chinas role in the 2020 election.

Own what you say and stop obfuscating.

And honestly this “tongue-in-cheek” backtracking gets old fast when it’s presented without any apparent sense of concern with the damage these statements are doing.

And if you don’t get my drift, I wish you a good day sir.




i can’t wait to see what this is, so mysterious.

not an obama fan but talk about grasping at straws when you need a parachute… :roll_eyes:




This is virtue signalling, being skeptical of politicians and journalists is an age old tradition and one any independent thinker should maintain. Self serving righteousness when an obvious joke is being made is not impressive at all.

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The U.S inauguration day has been cancelled because of violent security threats. Meditate on that. Americans are no longer free to attend the democratic inauguration of their president due to a barrage of lies from RW media, and their corrosive attacks on the state and fabrications.

The attacks on the American state in various forms promulgated by the journalists in question bear great responsibility for the literal dissolution of U.S. public life. Attacks on public health (Atkinson’s anti vaxxer stance), letting Trump off the hook (Solomon lying that Trump had nothing to with the attacks), lying about election integrity (Atkinson floating a bs stat 89% don’t trust elections).

We are seeing first hand the dangers of these types of yellow journalists, and how they damage public life in the United States. Directly.