Violent protestors storm US capitol building

If you want a fun read, follow this and leap off in any direction you feel suits your narrative.

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I bet friend had a lot better rest of the vacation!

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General Mike Flynn, in front of a cheering crowd, said he wanted to see a coup in the U.S. like the one in Myanmar. The military in Myanmar overthrew a democratically elected government, have killed over 800 civilians so far, and arrested thousands. So I can see why his supporters think it would be a good thing to copy.

I saw that clip. Put it up. Itā€™s a bs headfake headline.

Itā€™s in the Daily Mail article.

Needless to say Gen Flynn doesnā€™t think Biden was democratically elected, but Iā€™m afraid thatā€™s tough titty at this point, the US has a system to use the courts to challenge outcomes, he obviously doesnā€™t like their decisions, but again tough titty and the States confirmed and swore in Biden so frankly now even if everything he thinks happened is proven, itā€™s academic. Military involvement is not something he should be encouraging or suggesting.

Or, he could be trapped in massive debt and this is how he digs out of it. Which is tragic, but hey, people tend to crumble when the US government and spy agencies go after them.

His comment was an offthecuff slap back to a ridiculously obtuse question posed by some paranoid knucklehead as far as I can tell. I bet he had a book signing table outside in the hallway.

Perhaps (I do agree the audience member was a knucklehead), but I think certain concepts should be hard wired, in a system that has worked as well as it has in the US for so many years introducing military into domestic affairs is something to be pushed back against reflexively.

I imagine Flynn has a bit of a chip on his shoulder. In some corners, one must picks sides.

Yeah, he has more than enough reason to wish Biden ill will, but I am guessing he will brush it off as ā€œjokingā€.

Mehā€¦Biden is just the figure head of the present administration. Obamaā€™s crew was the ones who brung it against him.

That didnā€™t take long.

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It appears to cut off after he says a few words - what he says next would have been ā€˜sort ofā€™ important.

It doesnā€™t cut off. He said, ā€œNo reason. It should happen.ā€ And then someone asks for one more question. Nothing was cut out. It was a cryptic answer to a cryptic question. The fuck happened in Myanmar is what most people most likely thought.

Does he say ā€œno reason it should happenā€ or ā€œno reason, it SHOULD happenā€?

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Dude, this is how they get ya!

IDKā€¦itā€™s mumbly and a terrible video. Amazeballs that SUCH an important seditious statement hasnā€™t found better footage!

This is precisely how Myanmar began though.

Thereā€™s one person everyone should thank that never happened and itā€™s the last person Democrats would ever acknowledge deserve any credit for that not happening, but one person made everyone go home peacefully and nothing like Myanmar occurred.

I wouldnā€™t know. I donā€™t follow ALL the newses.

Flynn backed off the statement and, listening to it again, I believe that he said that it should happen but who cares? Heā€™s been retired from the military for seven years and has neither held a govā€™t position nor been relevant in politics since, when? Late 2016? Really, if a guy who has been treated like Gen Flynn has in recent years, I understand why they want to burn things down.

Itā€™s a dumb answer to an idiotic question.

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Thereā€™s a US journalist being held by Myanmar right now. No doubt Flynn would be there in a heartbeat to lead his firing squad, traitor.