Violent protestors storm US capitol building

Have you tried self editing?

A special kind of people

Powell was known in her community as a vehement anti-masker before her participation in the Jan. 6 events. A February New Yorker article chronicled her long history of flouting mask requirements, even once boasting on Facebook that she’s “unashamedly a ‘super spreader.’”

A post was split to a new topic: From violent protests

Dubya fan I see. Did you support the torture too?

Another terrorist left behind

Why are these MAGA terrorists of such low intelligence? They should have taken proper vocabulary or grammar lessons.

This one is interesting. Seems Nancy’s laptop is still out there. Case of mistaken identity, FBI and capitol police raid house looping for Nancys laptop. Thought they had recovered that, interesting.

Her comments are hilarious.

Wait, that lady had a story? I learned very little about her since January, just that for some weird reason the guy who separated her from her immortal soul hasn’t been identified. :ponder:

Another pitiful ‘cover up the capitol riot we muffed’ piece from right wing media?

The race to the bottom continues.

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Officer Michael Fanone interview about 6th January and those that would minimize the violence that took place.

“It’s been very difficult seeing elected officials and other individuals kind of whitewash the events of that day or downplay what happened, some of the terminology that was used,”

Fanone responded that he “experienced the most brutal, savage hand-to-hand combat of my entire life, let alone my policing career, which spans almost two decades. It was nothing that I had ever thought would be a part of my law enforcement career, nor was I prepared to experience.”

“I can’t say it in stronger terms. I don’t know how you can watch my body-worn camera footage and deny that Jan. 6 was anything other than violent and brutal.”


Here’s an interesting legal argument, to paraphrase: the people following Donald Trump are basically retarded Nazis

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Shameful and damaging to the Republic.
Doesn’t matter though, McConnell and his group have no shame and are only interested in putting the Trump and the GOP above interests of the nation.
Kudos to those Republicans who did vote for the bill.

On Friday, centrist Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia sounded increasingly upset with McConnell, saying his actions are complicating “any chance we have to be bipartisan.”

“Mitch McConnell makes it extremely difficult,” Manchin said. “Mitch is, I like to think, a person who understands this institution as well if not better than anyone. He’s making it so difficult on something as soon as this commission. The commission is something this country needs.”

“There’s no excuse. It’s just pure raw politics. And that’s just so, so disheartening. It really, really is disheartening,” he said. “I never thought I’d see it up close and personal that politics could trump our country. And I’m going to fight to save this country.”

The establishment have been milking Jan 6th for everything it’s worth for months, both sides of the isle in an attempt to squash support for Trump. If they really wanted transparency either the Capitol police or the FBI would release about 40k hours worth of footage they are sitting on which they are tightly guarding, but it likely doesn’t show what their narrative suggests which is to say it likely shows exactly what the people there claim, Capitol police opening the doors and ushering people in and then mostly strolling around like tourists for a while.

McConnell knows the Democrats only interest in this commission is to use it in a partisan effort for the 22 midterms and if you read the proposal includes harnessing the powers of the intelligence agencies (like what could go wrong there) as well as targeting Republican donors.

The Republicans who voted for it, still see squashing Trump support the most important thing for Republicans to do, Liz Cheney, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney all these never Trumpers are the same crowd trying to put things back to the way things were before Trump, except the Republicans before Trump were shit and only about 10% of the base want to go back to that way of things again.

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Some people find comfort in simplistic establishment/media conspiracy narratives to explain away issues they disagree with. It is the same one note played over and over again no matter what the issue discussed. It ignores any complexity and nuance of a matter.

The tedious effort to continue to blame the establishment and media for making a “big deal” of the events of January 6th is like a drunk driver causing a horrendous crash and then blaming the authorities for having laws against drunk driving and the media reporting on it.

BTW: It’s aisle not isle.

I think a big enough deal was made out of it.

However, the public backlash didn’t start because of the lost election.

There was another group that for four years put their own needs above the needs of a sitting legally elected POTUS and the American public by pushing Schiffian fantasies and worldwide conspiracies.

What goes around comes around.

Really raising false equivalency to a performance art

That neocan Lizard Cheney got her true comeuppance, and well-deserved.

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They’re called words. No need to be so intimidated!

Also, for fun. Prove it. Why is what I wrote a false equivalency? Specifically. Anyone can open a book of rhetoric and find the definition. Proving it involves logic. I have time. Unless you can’t, and then your post is a non-sequitur.

Not an issue of agreeing or disagreeing, have you asked yourself why you are so angry and what you hoped from such a commission?

The Democrats are going to do it anyway, they have all 3 branches of government and will open an investigation in the House. They already indicted the President stating erroneous claims such as a police man being killed by being hit with a fire extinguisher. The people who entered the building are sitting in prison, in solitary confinement and some taken out and beaten randomly. With no charges and when they do it will be for simple trespass.

You have the Capitol police and FBI making this a top priority and clearly are not on the side of Trump supporters.

You got everything including the entire media circus, but somehow, it’s those damn Republicans and Mitch McConnell who are to blame for everything. Why won’t those damn Conservatives vote for a tool we can use to bludgeon them some more?


I know this is simply a few of you arguing back and forth but, having skimmed the last few weeks…good job? I doubted the fire extinguisher story when it came out for obvious reasons but don’t believe that I ever saw that it was proven to be a fabrication until I followed links posted by @Mick .

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