Visitor visas for relatives of foreign residents

Great news! relatives of foreign residents can now apply for visitor visas. I am going to tell all my migrant worker friends the good news. After all they are foreigners and they are resident here, They have work permits and ARCs and health cards etc…oh wait. Oh no! “With notable exception of migrant workers” Well, I suppose they are a different category of sub-human.

Here’s the astounding official explanation:

Why exclude migrant workers with valid visas?

Family members of migrant workers are not legally permitted to receive a relative visitor visa. Prior to the pandemic, they could come on a tourist visa, but because foreign tourists are currently banned, they cannot enter Taiwan. Special exceptions can be made for humanitarian reasons, such as a medical emergency or pregnancy.

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If they could, they will only allow them to go from their working position to their room.

Wait, they already did that.

It sucks, because institutional racism is alive and well in Taiwan (despite the left thinking that People of Color are one united happy group). But its also a balancing act on stopping illegal immigration.

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The circular logic is hilarious…“why are they excluded?” " Because they are not permitted!" Why are they not permitted? Because they are excluded!


How long does this usually last? Is it also just 30 days?