Following in the great tradition of shirtless politicians, i guess it is time for his own thread
Teflon Don is staring down a lot of legal consequences for his questionable behavior, Ron Desantis has fizzled out, and nobody likes Chris Christie. Could RS really be the Republican nominee?
I know nothing about RS, but I will start paying attention to my choices more closely. I would consider voting Republican again if it’s not Trump. And look at the Fox News website. What a freakin’ mess. The banners trying to get you to click on articles about things like Britney Spears getting licked by a stranger remind me of the Enquirer. What a gross news organization.
finally, someone coherent running for president… and not a f#$%ing Boomer either! I really would have liked to seen a Gen-X prez, but I guess since they’re a small generation they’ll be skipped since they can’t get the vote out. If he makes it, he would be the youngest president ever and the first Millenial president, of course.
I think his biggest challenge will be dumbing himself down for a mass audience to get the “mouth breather” vote.