Voltage instability

I’m getting voltage instability in my house. I asked my neighbors, it ain’t just me, they have the same problems.

Basically my fan would randomly slow down, then speed WAY up (I mean enough to scare me that the thing’s going to fucking explode!!), then spin normally.

At first I thought maybe it’s my AC unit but it happens regardless of whether or not the AC is running.

Oh and the lights would flicker randomly, and my stereo equipment’s relay would shut off randomly as well.

I fear for my computer. I hope my neighbor complains to Taipower.

I’ve heard horror stories about Taipower sending 440 volts down wire that is meant to carry 120/220/3 phase, and essentially blowing everyone’s appliance up and possibly starting fires. Low voltage can kill electric motors.

What recourse do I have if they fry all my equipment/house for this?

You can get surge protectors.


I’m going to need more than MOV’s to protect against this…

It isn’t going to protect against a sustained overvoltage.

I think this really makes an argument to get a Power Wall and run your whole house over this, using the battery as a filter.

Update: Someone called 1911 (this is to Taipower to report power outage or issues) and they sent linemen out here to fix it.

I think the problem is fixed, for now. I will call 1911 again if this persists.

They told me they found voltage imbalance between the two legs (on the 110/220v system, basically one of the leg’s voltage doesn’t match the others), and they’ve added a pigtail out at the pole and corrected the imbalance.

So far I’m not seeing any flickers.

These lineman deserve every raise they get. They have to work under extremely bad condition to restore power after a typhoon or whatever. These guys will be very important if there’s ever an invasion.

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What sort of safety protection do these linepeople have. Is it just those insulated gloves that look like baseball mits?

I have no idea but they seem to shut off power when they work, they don’t work on live wire presumably unless it’s those very high voltage thing…