VW - emission on off on off

Anyone here have a VW/Audi tdi vehicle that is concerned? Surely it’s only the US vehicles in question so far, but looks like the rest of Europe and South Korea might look into it. Mistakes happen, but being deceitful is pretty f’ed up.


Why don’t they test all cars on the road, under real life conditions.
This way, we will see who else is cheating.

You want to drive an SUV, and feel good about yourself?
Here it goes. On one side of the car, you fill in 60 Liters of Gasoline/diesel and somewhere underneath the back of it, the 60 Liters come out combined with the oxygen.

The next oil crisis is coming sooner or later. The refugees are already here and continuously streaming into Europe.
It’s a big mess and it’s all about oil.

What did I want to say? Oh yeah!

It really doesn’t matter. SUVs are SUVs. We could have a big recall. Put some machine guns on the roof and send all the refugees back into the desert with it.

That’s what SUVs are for, right?

Looks like the CEO stepped down, he probably didn’t think he was going to make it through the board meeting next week. I love how he said he is resigning so the company can have a fresh start, but he wasn’t aware of any wrong doing on his part. Someone who did this is still in the company.


In case any VW owner in Taiwan receives a call:

It’s all a big joke anyway. Go to the Shulin Motor Vehicle Department and stand around in the area for a few hours. You’ll have taken a few days off your life expectancy from the air pollution I guarantee it

I am surprised we managed a real tricky software solution. Well, in the 80s the first Golf would have had an automatic motor-switch-off function, which would have started an analogue tape recorder playing “vroooooom vrooooom” over the speaker while emitting the contents of a “Berliner Luft” canned-Berlin-air souvenir.

And I am puzzled by the fact that some John oldfuck was able to decode it, since I suppose it was closed source software. NSA?
If it had been open source software, nobody could really talk about cheating.

Can this even be used in court as evidence? Should I start buying VW shares?

Since the US is/was spying on us like crazy, they probably can do this or similar things with any of our companies.

Well, it might be empirical evidence. German media says it was a German institute wanting to show that US versions of German cars are cleaner than the German versions. They then found a difference between the official test and normal driving with seemingly another way of measuring pollution. They then handed the case over to a US partner who informed the government. Probably VW admitted to fraud because non-admittance would have increased the penalties greatly.

Elon Musk wins in so many levels…

As real life conditions are variable, it is challenging to manage fair comparisons. Although there are private inspection companies which carry out such tests. Governments tend to lag behind in their use of technologies to deal with issues such as these.

SUVs are merely a style of vehicle to cater for those with specific requirements.