Wack things in China

I’ve never been part of a righteous or jingoistic mob, seems like it would be fun though!

Or on a mission to rejuvenate the great Chinese nation. I would like some kind of mission

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Maybe we can set one up, if you’d like.

We don’t know what the Professor said before that. Without context its a bit of a waste of time.


apparently, and again I could have this wrong, but apparently the teacher said prior that students should study so you can go to the US and intermarry with an American and become elite that way. Those who don’t do that end up marrying their jr. high classmates and don’t make much of themselves?

Someone correct me if they heard differently. I find it extremely suspect that the video of the professor’s speech prior hasn’t been released yet (at least people can’t find it). Context is everything.


Whole thing is weird, seems both student and teacher are mental


Not so much if you’re the target of said mob. :neutral_face:


Online mobs aren’t real mobs? :thinking:

According to the article Orange posted, the professor works at a university but was speaking at a high school.

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I’ve invented a neologism. In ten years time people will be asking where the word emob came from and it will be sourced to BiggusDickus.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but…



A family that slays together, stays together…in prison!

Police Find Chinese Model’s Dismembered Head — But Torso And Hands Are Still Missing


Buddy working in HK says it’s all over the news there. Crazy sick mf’ers.


The current preliminary details are pretty disturbing and I’m sure they’ll even be worse once the investigation and trials have concluded. Money, money, money, money.


christ… however I confirmed it is all over the place this news here. damn

Quality post :white_check_mark:
Goes to show Hong Kong police are as dim witted as U.K. police.
British legacy.

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I’ll point out the white elephant in the room and ask:
Her ex-family is cannibals?
Who took the first spoonful to see if some more salt or pepper was needed?



Yes this is a complete sentence

I think there’s a Hong Kong film called 人肉插燒包 maybe they got their inspiration from it… It’s a horror film about a guy who murders a family and cooked them into steam buns

The name “People’s Chabuduo Amusement Park” had me laughing:

(It’s not graphic and I don’t know the outcome of the accident, but don’t watch if you’re sensitive to videos of people likely being injured.)

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