Wack things in China

“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”


Oh please! Cancel culture is older than human history… :grandpa:

Among humans though, you can certainly find examples in ancient China, to say nothing of Greece and Rome.

Damnatio Memoriae, literally expunging all records about someone. It was a very harsh punishment inflicted only to the most serious enemies of the State.


John Wick

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Sounds a little like Fakebook.

Zuckerturd has a ccp wife, no?

Really? I didn’t know she was a party member.

she’s ABC, but party cop like Jackie Chan is unconfirmed, no?

Right. Are foreigners allowed to be CCP members?

Only a guess. I would bet there are a few monitoring this conversation that could confirm this though.

I am doubtful that we would be enlightened on the truth here though.

the party constitution at chap 1. art.1 say "Any forward-thinking Chinese worker, farmer, member of the armed forces, intellectual, or person from any other social strata who has reached the age of eighteen and who accepts the Party’s program and Constitution and is willing to join and work actively in one of the Party’s organizations, carry out the Party’s resolutions, and pay regular membership dues may apply for membership to the Communist Party of China. " So it seems only Chinese Nationals can join. Too bad haha


The court, however, ruled in Liu’s favor, stating that he should only cover the cost of his own and Zhang’s meal, which was approximately 1,400 yuan (approximately $197).

LOL. At least justice was served in this particular case. What a bunch of eejits.


How has this woman not found a husband already?


Was the man @jimbob132?


Yeah, when I read that, I thought “hang on, this sounds a bit familiar…”


@jimbob132 — making the rounds in Jilin! :upside_down_face:


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IIRC, @jimbob132 is smart enough to tell the girl in advance that her family members are paying for themselves (beyond the one dish he’s covering)…

…at which point the girl decides she’s not interested in going for the meal after all.


Turns out he was right all along! He was the only person on Forumosa smart enough to cover his ass from a potential lawsuit.


This reminds me of an incident I read about years ago: a well groomed young man arrives at a fancy restaurant with his scruffy grandfather, orders a bunch of expensive dishes saying the rest of the family will arrive soon, then steps out for a minute, and when they realize he isn’t coming back, they question the old man and find out he’s a random homeless guy from the street who was promised a free meal if he went along with it.


Kind of a black sheep