Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

Time to smuggle my BBQ grill to the cinema and grill some left over meat from last Friday. :meat_on_bone: /s


In theory, they tried passing a regulation so you couldn´t bring stinky food like friend chicken, pao mien and stinky tofu of course into the theater. It is somewhat enforced.

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What of enemy chicken and acquaintance chicken?

Sorry, I couldn’t resist…

Last time I took a TW sized bucket of Kentucky Friend Chicken to the movies and they didn’t say a word.

Fixed that!:wink:

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What an odd way to describe your wife. I’m sure everyone appreciated that she didn’t talk throughout the movie, though. More moviegoers should be so polite.


To be honest, in our family I am the bucket shaped one. My wife conforms more to current body ideals.

I was in the lobby of the 101. There was a couple of chairs and a coffee table hidden away in one corner. One guy, who was wearing the same uniform as the security staff in the lobby, was sleeping, with his head resting sideways on the couch backrest, mouth wide open. Anyway, with me was my daughter, who looked at the coffee table and asked, why is there a hole in the top of the coffee table Daddy? There was a great hole machined into the top of the table. Wouldn’t really want to drop your coffee in it. In fact it didn’t look a lot like a coffee table, I think it was probably actually a TV table. Perhaps they were on special?

Hard to say without photos.
You did take photo of this beautiful scene, didn’t you?

Nay. Next time, with baited breath :slight_smile:

I used to do that too. Made several kids cry, and several parents chase me (kids still on board). Whatever.

Eventually i decided to accept that there are too many people on the Earth anyway, and that’s kind of one way of doing some much-needed genetic pruning.

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i have taken all kinds of food into the cinema. fried chicken, fast food, lu wei. but sushi is crossing the line. my line at least, my gf thought it smelled good.

Fresh sushi and nigiri, sashimi doesn’t smell.

This theater encourages to bring your own food while you watch as many movies as you want all day for NT$150.

Nan Shan Theater
No. 1號, Lane 24, Tonghua Street

And this one will bring just about anything you want to your luxury reclining seat anytime during the movie.

Miranew Cinemas (Miramar)


it does when you are sitting right next to it.

but hey thanks for your input that fish does not smell. greatly appreciated.

This must explain why fish harbors are so easy on the nose…

especially for us bignoses :bowing:

I love this one! I went there so many times when dating!

Sitting in the back row ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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