Wack Things in Taiwan 2019

It’s probably less weird (to me, at least) than if they finally have the baby then leave it with their parents while they move to China.


Good question. They’ve been slowly going downhill for the last two decades. I used to really like MOS back in the day. Lots of innovative products that tasted much better than the boring offerings at other fast food restaurants, even if the portions were always on the small side. But over the years, their sanitation has deteriorated to shocking levels and the service has become lackadaisical at best.


Didn’t they go from fully owned chain to franchisee a few years back?

Is that what caused the decline? One would think that if each location is run by a franchisee, some would be better than others, but they all seem equally dismal these days.

I ate at MOS. Once.

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Mc Donalds did.

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First you need to have managers that care, and can handle staff clean up. Very difficult in Taiwan. And the managers’ managers need to go out everyday and check out the stores. HQ needs to care too.

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NOW I understand! I remember that period and was always wondering:“Since when are chicken nuggets considered the same kind of dish as french fries???”.

I usually like their stuff, but the combination of size & price is not really on par with other fast foods. And MOS ain’t “fast” at all.


Since they are deep fried! :rofl:

I think that’s when people started seeing like grimy locations and stuff. Before that they were always totally Nipponese-grade spotless, you could eat off the toilets


If you work with pest management companies you hear stories about how many stores just don’t use them or stop using them because of the monthly cost. Rats and roaches all over doesn’t seem to bother anyone in Taiwan.

Yeah, I can easily buy a set for NT185 at MOS and leave hungry. It’s more of a place to camp thanks to the relaxing music and general lack of loud power lunchers and teenagers that places like McD and BK attract.

MOS used to have these little cheeseburgs, kind of like big sliders, they were the fuckin SAUCE, man.
I swear they tasted like meatloaf

So the other morning I’m going to work, and I’m on Fanglang Rd (look it up), waiting at the light to cross Hsinhai. there’s probably a good 25 bikes waiting alongside me. and I notice some…matter slowly drifting down from above. Not a lot, but enough to see, kind of white, and weightless, it almost looked like a real light snowfall. and I’m looking at it (I don’t think anyone else even noticed, because Taipei) and thinking what the jeez IS that??
And then I realize what’s across the road.


A near-perfect encapsulation of the Human Condition, right there.


Taiwan snow


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Please explain.

You should be able to figure it out if you don’t already know…

No clue. Currently Googling Fanglang road…

There’s actually a limited amount of things that might drift down in a white snowy shower in Taipei, and I don’t see no tong blossoms around