Wack Things in Taiwan 2022

I concur!


They had the sign up, but they didnā€™t have any.

I went to one store that didnā€™t have any at all. I asked and the lady looked at me like I was nuts and said ā€œwe have corn soup.ā€


Of course they do


All the popcorn you can take away for $50NT. OK! They spent $5000NT for the container. haha Said they would give to homeless and charity.


In all fairnessā€¦ you were asking about corn ā€œice creamā€. I meanā€¦


I found you a rabbit hole @afterspivak

So I finally tried itā€¦and it wasnā€™t bad. Probably because it didnā€™t taste like corn soup. To me it tasted like a really creamy caramel popcorn flavored soft serve. Not that Iā€™ve actually had corn soup often enough to remember what it tastes like. Anyway, not bad at all. Would definitely eat again. :+1:


Quite a few societies use (sweet)corn as an ingredient in desserts. Iā€™m sure most Americans are familiar with corn bread used as such. I quite like this:

But for some reason Iā€™m not really interested in corn ice-cream :person_shrugging:


The stars up above align! I am with @finley here.


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Although we donā€™t consider corn bread a dessert. Itā€™s a side. Like a dinner roll or something.

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Well yeah, but desserts with a cornbread component arenā€™t unheard of either. Depending on exactly where youā€™re from, of course.



Late to the game here but this is awesome! Not wack at all!

The other night I was walking by the neighborhood park and I saw a kid (high school age) walking with his mom and he had a Butthole Surfers shirt on. It was the cover or Rembrandt and Pussyhorse. So I vigorously pointed at him without saying anything (kind of like the Slayer Fan from the famous video when he sees another Slayer fan walking down the street wearing a Slayer t-shirt) and his mom literally jumped! Anyway, I asked if he knew the band or if he just bought the shirt because he thinks it looked cool and it was the latter, so I suggested he go listen to them. He told me he got the shirt while visiting LA so that was cool. All in all, the interaction was fun, even though I freaked out the mom (and probably the kid).

Saw the Surfers back in '91 but it was unfortunately at an amphitheaterā€¦ Been a fan of theirs for a long time.


This was such a predictable problem. The light rail goes through several busy blocks with lots of roads and side roads and lights (the lights, as usual, donā€™t seem to be connected on any sensible system). And they didnt install any gates, maybe there are a few lights warning that a train is coming, maybe not. The only infrastructure i remember them installing was poor sods with glowing rods, trying to direct traffic

Itā€™s the middle of the city, they should have gone up or down. Obviously this was going to happen

Edit: lol, link fail

Given how awesome this cool creamy corny treat was, Iā€™m not comfortable with this. Can we go back to talking about masks or something?

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Iā€™m still holding out for Family Martā€™s awesome chococate soft serve.

Now if someone disses that one, Iā€™m ready for a fist fight! :rofl:


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In the meantime, have any forumosans tried 7-11ā€™s collaborative hot chocolate venture with Godiva? Itā€™s on sale now!


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Iā€™d better not.